Thinking of switching to Rogers? Moving or relocating to a new city? From the home page, you can quickly check to see if our Internet, TV or Phone services are available in your area.

How to check if your address is in our Service area

From the home page, you can quickly check if Shaw Internet, TV or Phone services are available in your area. Follow these steps to confirm if your address is within the Shaw service area:

  1. Go to
  2. From the menu, select Enter address, or click your location if it's shown.
    • On a mobile device, tap the menu icon at the top-left to find this feature.
    • On a computer, it's at the top-right of the web page.

Enter Address.png


  1. Choose whether you're already a Shaw customer, then follow to steps to enter your address and check service availability.
  2. After entering your address, the page will let you know if our services are available in your area.

Address Confirmation.png
Once you have confirmed that you are in our services area, you can visit our plans or current offers to see which package best suits your needs.

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