all billing should be in the early part of the month

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-- welcome to this peer-to-peer discussion forum, where v...

Legendary Grand Master

@gebb -- welcome to this peer-to-peer discussion forum, where volunteers try to help.

This forum is not a direct path to Shaw Support (1-888-472-2222).

If you contact Shaw, on the first day of a month, and do a major change to your services, such as an "upgrade" to your TV or Internet services, then you should get a new two-year Value Plan, starting on the day that you called Shaw. You'll get credit for the less-than-30 days left before your billing-date.

Also, send your suggestion to Shaw, via:

Note that I.C.B.C. now "staggers" the renewal-dates for vehicle insurance, to spread the renewals over the whole month. Many years ago, ALL vehicle insurance expired at the end of the month, resulting in overworked agents for the last week of each month, and under-worked agents for the first 3 weeks of each month.  Also, long line-ups of customers near the end of each month.  😞




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