Find answers to frequently asked questions about how your Smart Home devices work with the Ignite HomeConnect App.

Smart Home devices

How do I add or link my smart devices in the Ignite HomeConnect App?
Open the Ignite HomeConnect App, select the Home tab, then tap the plus (+) sign Add devices. Follow the steps in the app to add your device. 

For more details, visit How To: Control smart home devices with Ignite HomeConnect.

Which types of devices are supported?
Ignite HomeConnect will support smart lights, plugs, and thermostats.

Which device brands does Ignite HomeConnect support?
You can find a list of supported device brands here.

Can I adjust the brightness of my lights and temperature of my house from the Smart Home Control
Yes you can. Click here for more details.

Will I need to pay extra to access the Smart Home controls through Ignite HomeConnect?
No, this is included as part of the app. Compatible Smart Home devices are sold separately.

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