With Ignite HomeConnect (formerly known as BlueCurve Home) you can pause or unpause Internet access for a user or device. Pausing Internet access prevents that user from going online while connected to your home network.

How to pause Internet access

To pause Internet access using Ignite HomeConnect, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Ignite HomeConnect App.
  2. Select the Devices menu.
  3. Choose a device, and then select Pause Device


  4. Choose the amount of time to pause the device for, then select Apply Changes. Choosing "Until I Unpause" will keep the device paused until you unpause it. 182643_home-app-pause-time


  5. Alternatively, you can pause all devices in a profile by selecting the profile and then choosing Pause All Devices. If you pause all devices for a profile, any device not currently connected to your home network will automatically be paused once it connects.


How to unpause Internet access

To unpause Internet access:

  1. Open the Ignite HomeConnect App.
  2. If the device is individually paused, select Devices, choose the device under Paused, then select Unpause Device182645_home-app-unpause-device


  3. If the device is assigned to a profile that is paused, select that profile, then select Unpause All Devices.  182646_home-app-unpause-all


  4. If the device is paused by Bedtime Mode, select the profile where the device is assigned, then select Wake Up. This will unpause all devices assigned to the profile until the next scheduled bedtime.


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