Re: 5 years of inconsistent speeds.


jadonprez Thank you for providing the traceroutes and details. If you bypass your Asus router and plug directly to the modem with automatic DNS settings, do you still notice the speed dips (not using Google DNS)? I appreciate your continued patience in working with us to resolve this issue.

As for the errors that are showing up, it may be a modem related issue or potential noise in the lines within/outside your home. What I will recommend is sending us a message on Facebook at or Twitter @shawhelp to schedule you a senior technician to investigate that and to replace the modem with a Technicolour modem (if one is available) and review the signal for potential noise in the lines. Just mention this thread in the conversation so we get that setup.

0 Kudos

Re: 5 years of inconsistent speeds.


Yeah, I used automatic DNS and nothing but the provided modem for years. I only got this router and changed the DNS server to Google DNS very recently; both as a test to basically experiment with things and see if any changes would make a difference.

Also, I would love to try that Technicolour modem. I've called Shaw and asked about it recently and apparently it's not in my area (I'm in northwestern Ontario). I was told it's only available out West at the moment, but I wonder if it's somehow possible to get my hands on one, considering the situation of this?

If you think that might be possible, let me know and I'll bring something like that up to Shaw when I send a DM in a bit.

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Re: 5 years of inconsistent speeds.


^ image above shows what's been happening for the last 24 hours straight, with no signs of improvement at all.

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Re: 5 years of inconsistent speeds.

Not applicable

I am using as primary DNS. Strange your route is so much longer than mine.

0 Kudos

Re: 5 years of inconsistent speeds.

Not applicable

I wonder if you could perform a speed test at

You might have an issue with buffer bloat or other issues.

This is how mine looks: 

Speed result

0 Kudos

Re: 5 years of inconsistent speeds.


yeah I've known about that site for a while now. I probably use that speed test more than anything else; it seems to be more accurate than any other speed test site.

in regards to buffer bloat, it sort of spikes here and there in the process of testing download and upload, but I've never seen it do anything absolutely crazy while testing.

Day 3, by the way, of my upload speed being practically non existent.... it's actually now testing BELOW 0.1 mbps at this point, on every device with absolutely nothing uploading in the background, no matter how many times I reset (1 device connected at a time when testing). That's while having my personal router completely out of the equation as well. I've been using only the Shaw modem for the last 2 days.

I'm just gonna DM shaw on Twitter like shaw-tony‌ was talking about. I'm so close to being officially done with all of this.


Re: 5 years of inconsistent speeds.


just here to inform you all, that after waiting 5 days for a senior tech to come here & being booked last Wednesday for today at 4pm - they did not show up or even bother to give me a call or ANYTHING.

I'm not even surprised at this point.

great news though! by extreme coincidence, I actually received a letter in the mail this morning from my local ISP. the letter was informing me that they are finally installing fiber on my street as of now!

in other words....



This is so disheartening to see especially because I'm ha...


This is so disheartening to see especially because I'm having the EXACT same issue. I've been dealing with it on and off for the better part of two years, I received a tech who was also legitimately invested in getting the issue fixed and he replaced every wire from. The Green box outside to the modem in the house. That actually fixed the issue for nearly half a year now all the sudden out of no where today, I'm having the issue again. The funny thing is, the only speed test that shows an upload speed that reflects my experience is Google's. All the others say my upload speed is fine. I now have to wait a week to get a tech here and won't be able to stream until then. The stream pays for my mortgage so I'm kind of screwed. By the way... I'm also in North Western Ontario. Did you ever get this resolved or did you switch ISPs all together?

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