Its been long enough now Shaw, fix your routing issues towards the, i dont know, ENTIRE EASTERN NORTH AMERICA, and the west? Nearly just as bad. No its not my router, no its not my computer, im not dumb, did all that already. This routing spiking issue is getting old, and all you do is price hike after price hike after price hike then give us a small bump in speed and call it "free".
FIX THIS. OR WE GO TO THE COMPETITOR. 100ms+ latency spikes constantly to the East, east is worst. West isnt good either, central is... i dont know, CAUSE SHAW DOESNT UTILIZE INTERNET EXCHANGES IN CANADA BESIDES VANCOUVER AND TORONTO!! How about expanding to, Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Winnipeg??
My god.... $100+ a month and we're treated like this. Oh and also, we can even upgrade to a better modem from the Hitron, without being forced to pay over $20 a month more, for no reason!
In Southwest Winnipeg. On your glorious 300 plan that you refuse to bump the upload for, even to 20.
It is ludicrous to say that you have to pay 20 bucks more but you can renegotiate a new deal or dump them. if i were you i call support and hope they can find problems without an expense of another higher plan and a new bluecurve modem and pods. hope you can call support.
Hey yuno-gamer,
We definitely want to investigate into the routing issues you are experiencing. Can you please provide traceroutes and WinMTR results to the servers you are trying to connect to along with routes to Google and Youtube. Keep me posted.
Tony | Community Mod.