Fun with mathematics

Legendary Grand Master

From the log-files inside my XB7 cable-modem:

IGD[11335]: config.utapi traffic stats:
 bytes sent 2147483647,
            rcvd 2147483647,
 pkts   sent 74533320,
          rcvd 221400907

It is curious that "(2**31)-1" is that "2147483647" value.

This number is the largest, positive, number that can be stored in a 32-bit word, namely one bit that is "0", to indicate a non-negative number, and 31-bits, each with the value "1".

A quarter of a century ago, "Y2K" was the big problem -- the year after "1999" was sometimes being displayed as "20100" (19+1 => 20, & 99+1 => 100). It was a different type of "overflow".





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