My bill used to be due on the 19th of every month. This month it says due by the 9th. Is this a typo or do I now pay on the 9th? ( I know to pay 3 days prior to the due date. )
@PissedOff4 , The payment due dates were changed effective July 15th and onward. Your payment is now due 21 days after invoice date, not the 30 days that it used to be. Also if you are on the autopay system with them, they now take your money out 14 days after invoice date, glad I don't use autopay. So yes the dates have been changed and it is not a typo.
You may have to wait on hold, but just give them a call as they are willing to adjust your invoicing date. Just figure out which day of the month suits your budget and ask them to invoice you a couple of weeks before that day.