Spam call blocking helps to filter out unwanted calls made to your home phone. With this feature activated, we'll automatically detect and block suspicious calls, including those from unregistered telemarketers. Spam call blocking is an opt-in feature, meaning it will be off by default until you choose to activate it.

Turn spam call blocking on or off

You can turn spam call blocking on or off any time using the My Shaw website. When spam call blocking is on, spam calls will go straight to your voicemail. If you don't use voicemail, spam calls won't come through at all.

To activate spam call blocking:

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. Click My Services Phone.
  3. Scroll down to Manage settings and click Edit next to Privacy.
  4. Click Block calls under Privacy Settings.
  5. Click the Spam call blocking toggle switch to turn it on or off.


Note: Spam call blocking can't be activated using the My Shaw App. Please use the My Shaw website as shown in the steps above.

Phone spam feedback & troubleshooting

Did you receive a spam call that you'd like to provide information on? Or, was a call marked as spam that shouldn't have been? Help us improve our service by letting us know.

Visit and follow the steps to provide your feedback if:

  • You've received a spam call, but it was not marked as such.
  • You've received a call marked as spam, but it shouldn't have been marked as such.

If you've missed a call, and suspect it was interrupted in error:

  • Turn spam call blocking off, then check again to see if the call comes through.
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