Notifications FAQs
Learn more about how notifications work in Ignite HomeConnect with these frequently asked questions.
What is the difference between Network Access and Network Activity notifications?
Network Access notifications alert you when there is a change in WiFi settings regarding access to your home network, including WiFi name/password change, hidden/unhidden WiFi name, WiFi security set to open, a network IP address change, or when there is a factory reset of your Ignite WiFi Gateway.
Network Activity notifications alert you when a device joins your home network for the first time, or when a profile is nearing the end of an active time limit.
Why did I receive a notification that a device could be streaming better?
If you connect a streaming device (e.g. gaming console or video streaming box), and we see that the WiFi connection could be better, you may receive a notification alerting you and providing tips on how you can improve this. You'll only receive this notification once, and you must have Network Activity notifications turned on.
Note: If you have Ignite WiFi Pods (Gen 1) on your account, this notification is not currently available.
How can I view notifications in Ignite HomeConnect?
To learn more, visit: How to view and manage notifications in Ignite HomeConnect.