I have an ARRIS XB6 modem that I want to disable DHCP or at least disable IPV6. I have an internal server which I use for DHCP and IPv6 is screwing up connectivity to the server. Talking to Shaw I've been told that there is no way to disable DHCP on the modem other than put it into bridge mode. So I am left with putting the modem into Bridge mode and going with a router. I have tried a TP-Link TL-R600VPN which I can't get download throughput any higher than 275 Mbps. When I remove the router and connect directly to the modem, I get 650 Mbps. Talking to TP-Link support I've heard all sorts of excuses but no solutions. Is anyone using a router with this modem which is giving them proper throughput and if so what make and model of router do you have??