-- There seems to be no mechanism for escalation beyond a...

Legendary Grand Master

@rmikeyt -- There seems to be no mechanism for escalation beyond a front line "agent" to address ANY issues

I disagree. Earlier this month, I drove an elderly friend to the local Shaw retail store-front, so that she could talk, face-to-face, to a front-line agent. When the agent could not answer a question, the agent went to the back-room, and fetched the shift-supervisor, to address the issues. QED

Similarly, when I was using an online chat, the Agent took the details of my complex issue, and said that my details would be escalated. Either the Agent was lying, or the Agent followed Shaw's "escalation" protocol. I prefer to think the latter.


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-- he could simply swap the ethernet cable from his route...

Legendary Grand Master

@rmikeyt -- he could simply swap the ethernet cable from his router to the BC and have unfettered access throughout the night

A "low-tech" solution:

  1. purchase hand-held pruning shears from a garden store.
  2. set an alarm on your smart-phone to wake you sometime in the night.
  3. take the shears, and cut that cable that he moved.

That will literally "cut him off". If he wants to purchase a replacement cable, with his own money, repeat the above process, until his wallet is empty.

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