I have pfsense box set up in a way that its in IP Passthrough and DMZ and have a desktop directly connected to the pfsense. I didn't have a wifi router so I have my daily devices connected to the shaw provided cgnm-2250 modem/router and have only one server behind pfsense firewall. But I am able to find a really cheap cgnm-2250 online and wondering if I could use it as a wifi router (connecting a lan from pfsnese box to the other cgnm-2250) and connect all my devices to the new router so that I can benefit from several interesting pfsense packages. Has anyone tried this before?
Maybe, but this is a bad idea.. Get the correct tool for the job.
Get an access point or a router that has an 'access point mode'.
How much is it online? You can very likely find the proper tool for around the same price.
Its 20 bucks. And I cant find another router (even used) with gigabit ports and dual band wifi for 600mbps internet. Why would it not be the correct tool for the job?
Because it is a modem/gateway. No WAN port, internet served only from the cable modem.
You may or may not be able to turn off the DHCP server, if you can't turn off the DHCP server in that modem your entire network will bit hit/miss if a device can even get online.
This is a bad idea..
And no, for 600 mbps you will need 802.11ac, which there are not a surplus of. Gigabit ports is easy, but 600 mbps on WiFi is tough even with ideal setups.
Ack. Not going forward with this. I am looking at a DIR-826L for even cheaper. The advertised max-bandwidth on wifi is 600mbps (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0081TXJ28?tag=lcdtvinfo08-20 ). I only have a 2BR apartment with mostly myself and hardly one or two more people at times so I dont think concurrent traffic would be an issue for me as encountered by most people in the comments.