Trouble connecting with server for my E Mail using Micro...


Trouble connecting with server for my E Mail using Micro soft edge but have no problems  using Firefox ??? And it's not my security settings!!!!

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-- trouble connecting ... Details, please. Any error-mess...

Legendary Grand Master

@ToddWA -- trouble connecting ...

Details, please. Any error-messages?

Are you using the Shaw WebMail interface, or some other E-mail client?

Microsoft Edge is available on the iPhone and Windows 10/11.  Which operating system are you using?


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Was this resolved? I have exactly the same problem now, i...


Was this resolved? I have exactly the same problem now, in 2024, and have had for about a year. I dread calling support becuase I anticipate being told it's Microsoft, my fault or anything other than a Shaw email problem.  Shaw email simply won't send on wifi 90% of the time, and ironically, it NEVER sends on SHAW open wifi, which means I always have to use data.  Most recently I've developed a new issue as well in which emails that I've forwarde for years to my Shaw email won't go through and the originating email tells me that it's tried multiple times but can't deliver to my Shaw email address.  I've done some experiments and it fowards just fine to my gmail addres or other email addresses just fine. It's only Shaw that is the problem. Any suggestions welcome.

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i have no Shaw internet access


i have no Shaw internet access


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-- welcome to this peer-to-peer discussion forum, where v...

Legendary Grand Master

@Jeepguy -- welcome to this peer-to-peer discussion forum, where volunteers try to help.

This forum is not a path to Rogers Support [1-888-472-2222].

First, try unplugging the cable-modem, waiting a few seconds, and then reconnecting the AC power, and let it complete its restart.

Then, check that the Ethernet cable between the cable-modem and your computer is tightly-connected at both ends. Near both ends, there should be a lamp that lights-up when something is plugged-in to the socket. 

Power-off your computer. Disconnect its power-cord. Push the ON/OFF button, to drain any "residual" power from your computer. Reconnect the power-cord. Restart your computer.

If not back to normal, contact via the above telephone-number. Try very early in the day, or very late in the evening, to avoid being "on hold" for a long time.


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