It's good to hear that removing the splitter seems to hav...

Legendary Grand Master

It's good to hear that removing the splitter seems to have helped.

>  .. the location of the modem when connected directly to the source coaxial is less than ideal

How many meters of coaxial-cable do you need to connect from the wall-port to the "ideal" location of the modem? You can contact Shaw, and ask for a Shaw technician to make a cable of that length, and to "drop" it at your front door. Given how booked-up their technicians are, and given that they are giving priority to "I have no service" calls, it may be quite a while. 

However, you can contact any technician, and pay them to make such a cable.  Or, one local "Thrift Shop" has a large box-full of previously-used coaxial cables, and they GIVE IT AWAY, because they have too much of it.

Also, contact Shaw, and get them to remotely logon to your modem, to check its "status", especially "signal-strength".

