How disable hidden wireless ssid on XB8 gateway device?


My XB8 gateway device from Shaw is broadcasting 4-5 hidden ssid's at a relatively high power level throughout my home, even though I disabled the Shaw hotspot functionality through my account at myshaw.  Please advise if there is any practical way that I can disable or stop these hidden WIFI ssid's from broadcating RF throughout my home.

Also, as I only obtain internet service from Shaw, and use my own router and access point for wireless access within the home, it seems odd that Shaw/Rogers would provide equipment that broadcasts RF throughout peoples homes without providing customers a way to disable that.  Helpful suggestions appreciated.  Thanks.

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-- welcome to this peer-to-peer discussion forum, where v...

Legendary Grand Master

@grayhound -- welcome to this peer-to-peer discussion forum, where volunteers try to help.

It is probable that your XB8 is trying to wirelessly communicate with any wireless TV receivers (such as the Shaw XiOne) that you may have in your home, to wirelessly send TV signals into multiple locations within your home.  Are you using that capability?

... broadcasting RF throughout my home.

My iPhone detects 6 WiFi networks that are outside of my home, namely the semi-anonymous "NETGEAR77" and 5 unique SSIDs from neighbours using Telus Internet.  I see no way to block all that RF from their devices, nor any way for your neighbours to block those SSIDs that your cable-modem is broadcasting.  Saturation, indeed.

Maybe, put a "Faraday Cage" around your cable-modem, to block all WiFi ?!

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Better to use it as modem only and broadcast wifi via ur...


Better to use it as modem only and broadcast wifi via ur own box if this is the issue. I had this problem with my xb7 making my apartment a shaw Hotspot and the modem getting really hot. Switch to not broadcasting at all and use an eero wifi box. U won't be disappointed 

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