Ongoing ping spikes

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I've been having spikes in ping for awhile now. I am hardwired to my PC from the modem. I have Shaw 300.

My games seem to get large ping spikes every couple minutes but recover. The game will pause for a second and everything will rubber band at once.

Discord gets really bad where my ms jumps up to over 900 for 1-2 seconds very frequently and people sound robotic or just cut out. 

I've power cycled my modem, used the reset button.

I can't take it anymore help me please.

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Re: Ongoing ping spikes


Hey maxwbrown2,

I can understand the frustrations of lagging during games. There may be several reasons to why you are lagging such as a poor signal from the wall outlet to the modem, others in your home using lots of bandwidth as you game, or a setup issue. Do you have any 3rd party modems connected?

If you haven't done so already, please try:

  1. Unplug the power to the modem and 3rd party router (if there is one).
  2. Unscrew the connection from the back of the Shaw modem as well as at the wall outlet.
  3. Reconnect both cables.

If it continues to be an issue, slide in our DMs on Facebook or Twitter so we can investigate.


Tony | Community Mod.

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