Just a few weeks ago before the port forwarding page was moved from the blucurve admin page to the shaw webpage (Why?) ports 80 and 443 worked just fine, however the switch seemed to have kept port 80 intact but not 443.
I tried to remove and add 443 again to no avail. Is anyone else experiencing this? Whenever I ask shaw technical support they only tell me that they do not know anything about port forwarding and only can show us how to find the port forwarding page.
I'm really starting to regret signing on for a plan at this point, can I fix this by setting the modem to bridge and portforward via a thirdparty modem? Or is there a way to fix this? My domain is a .dev domain and by default does not work via http, I need port 443 open.
Has shaw decided that they can not trust us users with port forwarding anymore?
> can I fix this by setting the modem to bridge ...
This should work, because in "bridge" mode, all TCP/IP traffic goes "over" the bridge, directly to your web-server, i.e., no port-filtering by your modem.
What firewall software are you using on your web-server? Windows Firewall? Something with some variant of Linux? Could that firewall be "blocking" 443/TCP ?
> and port-forward via a third-party modem?
If the "uplink" port on your router is connected via Ethernet to the Shaw device, then you should be able to configure port-forwarding within your router. Again, check the firewall software on your web-server, to ensure that it allows 443/TCP to your web-server program.
> What firewall software are you using on your web-server? Windows Firewall? Something with some variant of Linux? Could that firewall be "blocking" 443/TCP ?
Iptables, it is configured properly yes. This all worked fine BEFORE shaw made this ridiculous change with where port forwarding functionality is found.
Does anyone know why the new port forwarding solution doesn't work? It's annoying that I'll need to buy a third party router just to get around this.
They make you sign into bluecurve POS garbage... Shaw is garbage. My router changed port forwarding on it worked FINE now the page is GONE. So mad at Shaw right now
@MikeMixxFM support for port forwarded has been migrated to the BlueCurve Home/Web app. I'm sorry for any frustrations, port forwarding will still continue to work when setup through the apps.
@Themikeberg Can you try and add 443 again to see if it saves? Our engineer tested it on his account and it worked with no issues. Try using the BlueCurve Home App if the Web App doesn't work.
BlueCurve web app (internet.shaw.ca) or whatever is called is a giant PoS. It does NOT work. I tried from a couple of computers with both "supported" browsers and no luck. You cannot create a profile or a fwd rule. The wheel keeps spinning. Most of the links don't work. The "Welcome to Your Connected Home" popup pages show up every time you go to a different tab (using the copy & paste the link address).
Please test properly before implementing such garbage.
After being a Shaw customer for the last 10 years I feel like it's time for a change.
@GigiB that is certainly odd. I just tested mine and they work as expected. Do the browsers you are using have any 3rd party extensions enabled? I'd recommend disabling them.
Have you tried using the BlueCurve Home App through your mobile device to see if you can create a profile there?
Why was port forwarding moved to the web, its completely broken, I tried setting up port 443 once I could get my devices to show up and nothing working. This is ridiculous. Can you please put it back in the modem where it actually worked? No one can access my server at all 😞
Side note: the internet.shaw.ca doesn't work on Microsoft edge browser you'll need to fix that. I had to load chrome to even have devices come up. However even with devices showing and ports set it still doesn't allow people to connect 😞
I feel your pain, this is ridiculous why break something that was working just fine in our modems. This new system doesn't work at all.
i can't add the ips manually and it only shows a few devices in the drop down menu in the STUPID bluecurve app. How can i get it to show all my devices? I need to forward them to a temporarily connected device (a vm ) and it only shows up under disconnected devices. this is so bunk...
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