I want to connect a camera, with remote access, to my daughter's Hitron CGNM-2250 modem/router. For this I need port forwarding access to the Hitron, but have read conflicting forum entries whether or not Shaw supports this. I live in Ontario and my daughter lives in BC. The next time I go to visit her I want to complete this but have not worked with the Hitron 2250 before.
In Ontario I have a Shaw modem feeding my router and have a number of cameras and other devices connected to it. I prefer to port forward on the Hitron rather than ip pass-through to a third party router (with all her devices connected to this router) in case of a router failure. That way, at least, it would stay in Shaw's area of responsibility providing her with the help she would need.
Hey wfauconnier,
Thanks for reaching out! Port forwarding is an available feature on the Hitron modem, but it is outside of our support scope. Generally, from what I read on setting up security cameras, a static IP is required to establish a stable connection. There have been cases where the setup fails with a dynamic IP. Similar to the discussion here you can have an IP passthrough set up on the Hitron modem to a 3rd party router to set this up (two separate networks). To have a secondary IP enabled, you will need to contact customer support to assist with that. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Tony | Community Mod.
Thanks Tony. Are you saying that I (the customer) has access to and may use the port forwarding feature of the Shaw supplied Hitron 2250? I would not expect Shaw to set this up, I am capable of doing so. Yes, a static IP specified in port-forwarding is definitely the way to set up the cameras.
wfauconnier absolutely, yes you can certainly access and use the port forwarding feature on the Hitron modem. As for a static-IP, these are only available through Shaw business accounts. You can check out their services here if you are interested.