So ive been trying to figure out port forwarding with blue curve because its just utter pain... It honestly is so bad and it shoulda just all been left to the but alas, I went to restart my modem because it kept saying a nintendo console was connected in bluecurve (Turns out it was my girlfriends iphone, i checked the ip) and when I restarted the modem, I noticed something very funny.. port forwarding was unlocked on the main website! I was able to easily port forward minecraft like i should have been able to in the first place, but as i suspected as soon as everything was working again it went back to being blocked, However, continued to show now that my ip has been port forwarded, while before it was showing an incorrect reserved ip ( and was saying no associated devices. I find it really funny and interesting how things work properly on the website but everything is janky with bluecurve. I hope this helps anyone out or if Shaw themselves see this please remove this lock, its annoying and you're only losing business by having it this way, trust me.