Have you called into Shaw and confirmed they have you on...


@Donmul wrote:

I push the reset button on the modem and it will run at 330 for a while until it does a software update and then right back down to 90. I’ve heard thru the grapevine that they are sharing our modems with the public and You have to contact Shaw to have them shut it off?!

Have you called into Shaw and confirmed they have you on a 300Mbps account?

This is the information about the wifi hotspot feature: https://support.shaw.ca/t5/service-updates-outages/shaw-hotspot/ta-p/6066


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It is not just a "grapevine" discussion, but a fact, now...

Legendary Grand Master

It is not just a "grapevine" discussion, but a fact, now that Shaw Cablesystems has purchased a wireless provider company, and rebranded it as "Freedom Mobile".

It is a "free WiFi" network for Shaw's Freedom Mobile customers, that is similar in concept, but different in technology, to the Shaw Go WiFi "free WiFi" network for their Shaw Internet customers.


But, as tickatk referenced on a web-page, you do not need to contact Shaw to disable it:

Shaw Internet customers who do not wish to have the secondary network broadcast from their modem can disable it at any time at my.shaw.ca by navigating to the “Internet” side bar tab and clicking the ‘disable’ button under “Shaw Hotspot.”

Shaw indicates that enabling that network on your Shaw device does NOT interact with your Shaw Internet service.

But, it may increase the number of automobiles temporarily parked outside of your home, as the drivers stop to connect their device to that Freedom Mobile WiFi network.



Wrote: But, it may increase the number of automobiles tem...


@mdk Wrote: But, it may increase the number of automobiles temporarily parked outside of your home, as the drivers stop to connect their device to that Freedom Mobile WiFi network.

Funny observation.

Shaw has built the “Shaw Hotspot” network on this approach, using account holders internet gear to broadcast wifi signals. This first started with businesses. Now it appears residences are being recruited for a similar Wi-Fi net build out.

Interesting approach. 

0 Kudos

> Shaw has built the “Shaw Hotspot” network on this appro...

Legendary Grand Master

> Shaw has built the “Shaw Hotspot” network on this approach, using account holders' gear to broadcast WiFi signals. 

Not correct.

The Shaw Go WiFi network is additional hardware -- indoor, usually rectangular-shape white-coloured boxes with a green lamp in the centre, that are connected downstream of a cable-splitter that is inside the "demarcation-box" outside of the business (or inside the business' wiring-closet). 

Outdoors, e.g., public parks, Shaw uses much-different, weather-resistant hardware.

The Freedom Mobile network uses a separate WiFi network inside the cable-modem -- no extra splitters/cabling.


0 Kudos

Both WiFi and hardwired


Both WiFi and hardwired 


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you're lucky, I can't get more than a 14.5 download and a...


you're lucky, I can't get more than a 14.5 download and a 1.1 upload speed on the speed test.  The Shaw techs that come here say the problem is with the distribution system but Shaw won't do anything to fix the problem.  Netflix keeps buffering and last night dropped out again.  My daughter has to go to a friends house to do her job cuz she can't work from home  anywhere in our house.  I can't even send whatsapp messages or recieve photos on wifi on my phone.  Shaw has all the problems noted on their records. My wife likes their programming so doesnt want to change. 

0 Kudos

are you noticing slower speeds over WiFi or are direct et...


@14dload1uload are you noticing slower speeds over WiFi or are direct ethernet connections to your PC also slow? The upstream signal from your modem is a bit off-spec, some troubleshooting should be able to improve that. I don't see any issues in the area nor notes about a distribution issue. I'd recommend touching base with technical support to further investigate this issue.

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