OK. Tired and obviously blind.
Where are the date and time settings on the XB6 config pages?
Hey errantbyte,
Thank you for reaching out! I don't believe those details are available through the XB6 admin panel. Under the "Shaw Network" it will show your device uptime. Is there any specific reason you are looking to find the date/time settings for the device?
Tony | Community Mod.
Hi Tony,
Thanks for your response.
Yes there is a reason - it would seem the clocks changed at the weekend on everything in my house except on the router. This had the knock on effect of screwing the timings I had set for Interent access for several devices connected through the router.
This must be the only device I have seen where the end user is not able to set the data and time to their personal preference - not a specified ntp server, GMT\UTC, or set by user. There must be a reason for it, but it is odd that nothing is there.
So I guess my main question now is, when is the router clock changed, because on my unit it took a few days.
Don't set the time manually.. There is no battery backup.. After a power cycle, the time will be lost.
Use a NTP server.. Even pool.ntp.org is a decent choice..
lol My NTP server is accurate to 1.24 micro-seconds at this point haha Yes, I like to have good time