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work arounds for gateway mode


Just wondering if there will be any plans to allow users to connect the wireless tv 4k boxes to our own router or come up with a solution that we do not have to run the bluecurve in gateway mode?  The software in the bluecurve device is lacking (i mean really lacking)...I would prefer to run my own router and just set this in Bridge mode...but I cant because I am running your wireless tv boxes.

Is my only solution is to run in a double nat config?  (which isnt recommended but would be a heck of lot better than what is provided on the gateway)

In my previous setup (older doccis modem)  I was able to have 2 ip's after switching to the Bluecurev, I seem to have lost my second IP.  Is it possible to get this back?  This was beneficial for work purposes.  If the Bluecurve doesn't support issuing a second ip, is it possible to add an additional modem/router to get this back?

 Are there any plans on improving the Bluecurve device software?...just to give users some more options/functionality? (at the least items like verbose logging)  I understand the requirement of simplicity so it is easy for someone non tech savvy, but I believe the savvy and somewhat savvy are outnumbering the non savvy by now.


Thanks in advance


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