By configuring the Parental Controls settings on your Shaw Gateway, you can limit what kind of content can be viewed by individuals who do not have access to the PIN (password). This content can be limited based on its ratings (e.g., PG, Mature, Unrated) or by the channel on which it appears. Please note that the below applies to both the Gateway and Gateway HDPVR hardware.

Setting up Parental Controls

Each portal in your household that you want to be protected with parental controls must be set up with a PIN individually. This PIN can be unique for each portal. For a quick walkthrough on how to set up parental controls on your Shaw Gateway, please watch the video below.

Video Tutorial: How to set up Parental Controls on a Shaw Gateway

Can't view the video? Click here to view it on YouTube.
Related: How to set Parental Controls on your digital cable box

Creating your PIN

Before you can set up parental controls you will first need to create your PIN (password). To do this:

  1. Press the MENU button on your Shaw Gateway Remote.
  2. Navigate to the Settings category, scroll to Parental Controls, and press OK.
  3. Press the number keys on your Shaw Remote Control to enter a four-digit PIN, and then reenter that PIN to confirm your choice.
  4. Select Close.





Changing your PIN

If you would like to change your PIN:

  1. In the Settings category, scroll to Parental Controls, and press OK.
  2. Choose Settings, use the LEFT arrow 154573_pastedImage_18 

    to scroll left to the Change PIN card, and press OK.

  3. Enter your old PIN, then enter your new PIN twice.
  4. Select Close.

Please note: After changing your PIN, you will need to reset all previously set parental controls.

Setting locks

You can set locks on TV and Movie Ratings or specific channels. To do this:

  1. In the Settings category, scroll to Parental Controls, and press OK.
  2. Select the Settings option.
  3. Navigate to either TV Ratings, Movie Ratings, or Lock By Channel using the RIGHT and LEFT arrows 


     on your Shaw Gateway Remote.
  4. Press the OK button on the TV Rating, Movie Rating, or TV Channel that you would like to lock.
  5. A 'locked' icon will appear next to your selection.





Related: How to manage TV and Movie ratings in My Shaw

Locking PPV and Shaw VOD

Putting a lock on Pay Per View (PPV) and Shaw Video On Demand (VOD) will prevent anyone from ordering this type of content without having access to the PIN (password). To set up a lock:

  1. In the Settings category, scroll to Parental Controls, and press OK.
  2. Ensure that Parental Controls are set to Currently On. If they are not, choose the On option to enable them.
  3. Select the Settings option.
  4. Using your LEFT and RIGHT arrows 
  5. Press the OK button on your Shaw Gateway Remote to enable the PIN requirement for PPV and VOD. You will be required to enter your existing PIN to enable this option.
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