Learn how to set a series recording on your Shaw Gateway Digital Box. Shaw offers a selection of Digital Cable Boxes that can record live television so you can watch your favorite shows when it is most convenient to you. for a brief tutorial on recording with your Gateway or Gateway HDPVR, please see the video below.

If you are using a PVR Digital Cable Box manufactured by Motorola or Pace to record television programming, you can read Motorola or Pace PVR Recording for additional information:

How to set a series recording on your Shaw Gateway

Video Tutorial: How to set a series recording on your Shaw Gateway

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Your Shaw Gateway can also be set to automatically record a television show every time it airs. The Series Recording feature will ensure that your favourite shows will be recorded, even if you've forgotten to set up a manual recording. To set up a Series Recording:

  1. Locate the program you would like to record from within the guide listing. In the example seen below, we are setting a Series Recording for Cosmic Vistas.
  2. With your preferred program highlighted in the guide, press the INFO button on your Gateway remote to view recording settings and to set a series recording.

    Cosmic Vistas Series Recording Setup.jpg
  3. Highlight the Record Series option from the list on the right and press OK on your remote confirm you would like to record all instances of this show. If you would like to view or change the settings for this recording, just press the RIGHT arrow on your remote to access the settings (shown below).

    Cosmic Vistas Series Recording All.jpg
  4. Highlighted on the left are the default settings for the recording which cover the following parameters:

    • Timeslots (default: all) - This selection allows you to choose if you want every instance of this show to be recorded or you can define a specific time slot within which the show will be recorded (as seen above).

    • Start/Stop (default: on time) - In the event you are setting a recording for a show that may not start or end within its defined time slot within the guide, you can offset the start of the recording buy up to five minutes in either direction, or offset the end of the recording by as much as an additional 30 minutes (helpful for live programs). This is done by using the UP and DOWN arrows on your remote and, with your preferred Start/Stop time offset highlighted, press OK.

    • Keep (default: 'til space needed) - This setting defines how long the recording will be preserved on the hard drive within the Gateway PVR system. The default setting 'til space needed will keep a recording until there is no additional space left on the hard drive, at which point the oldest recording on the hard drive will be deleted to make room for new recordings. Alternatively, you can choose timed settings such as keeping the recording for 3 or 4 days, or simply until I delete.

    • Episode Limit (default: unlimited) - This setting allows you to control how many episodes of a single program will be kept at any one time. The default is unlimited but users can select from 1, 3, 5, 10, and 20 episodes if they wish to impose a limit.

    • Accept (default: repeats) - This setting allows a user to limit the Gateway to only record new instances of a television program, should this be their preference. The default is repeats which will record both new and repeat episodes.

  5. With the settings defined as you would like, choose Record Series from the menu on the right to save the settings and finish the setup. You will now see an on-screen message advising Recording Confirmed. Once a series recording has been scheduled, the program you have defined for recording will be marked with the icon shown below.

    Cosmic Vistas Series Recording Planned.jpg


How to cancel single scheduled recording

To cancel an single instance of an upcoming Series Recording:

Locate the program scheduled for recording and press the INFO button while it is highlighted.
Use the UP and DOWN arrows to select Cancel Recording from the menu that appears on the right side of the screen.

Please Note: This process will not cancel the Series Recording completely, it will only cancel a single instance of the recording.

How to delete a series recording

To delete a series recording from your Shaw Gateway:

  1. Press the PVR button at the top of your remote and use the UP and DOWN arrow buttons to highlight Scheduler from the list on the left and then press OK.
  2. Press the RIGHT arrow button to navigate to the Scheduled Series section.
  3. Use the UP and DOWN arrow buttons to highlight the Series you would like to cancel, then press OK.
  4. Select the Cancel Series option from the menu on the right side of the screen, then press OK.
  5. You will now be prompted to confirm the cancellation. Select Yes, Cancel and then press OK.

How to cancel a series recording when series no longer available

To delete a series recording which is no longer available from your Shaw Gateway:

  1. Press the PVR button at the top of your remote and use the UP and DOWN arrow buttons to highlight Scheduler from the list on the left and then press OK.
  2. In the 'Scheduled' screen, choose the option for 'Series Priority'.
  3. Scroll down to the series you wish to delete.
  4. Press the D button on the remote.
  5. Press OK to confirm that you want to cancel the series.

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