-- I am wanting ... the ELIMINATION  of that AWFUL channe...

Legendary Grand Master

@Bambis27 -- I am wanting ... the ELIMINATION  of that AWFUL channel called FOX NEWS  NETWORK. 

With Shaw, you can "hide" channels, so that they never appears in the "Shaw Guide". Close enough?

who needs radio from India or news from Belarusa ... jus sayin. 

TV/radio employees who create content about India for broadcast?

Other people, such as the leader of the federal NDP party, may want that information, due to his ethnic background. Maybe.


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Huh! I like the Dentist Analogy. A patient goes in the ch...


Huh! I like the Dentist Analogy.

A patient goes in the chair for a temporary crown repair and all of a sudden it turns into a full root canal (which was not required but apparently the Dentist's idea of a simple repair.)

Shaw entices or forces (through the 2 year contract trap) customers to upgrade but do not tell them the consequences they will suffer as a result.

I wonder if Sales still gets bonuses based on sale rates. When I worked for a Cable Company it was lucrative.

It's the new way of the world. Like foxnews which uses their words manipulate their audience in a form of codependency and monetary gain.

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