So less than 6 months after the last rate increase SHAW is giving us another one on June 1st:
At this point it's almost like they want everybody to leave. My 2-year deal is up at the end of May and at this point I honestly can't see myself sticking around after it expires unless I'm given one helluva good deal. It's too bad because like I've mentioned before - the performance level of SHAW's services is outstanding but everything else is severely lacking.
I agree - It is ridiculous. I get my Shaw cable via 3 stand-alone pvrs and just found out that they no longer sell new pvrs (only refurbished) so once mine stop working I'm out of luck. Shaw is obviously no longer interested in my business so off to Telus I will go.
I agree. I am under contract until November, but I have been thinking about other options as I think my plan will probably rise by about $30. I have already started moving my all my online accounts to my gmail account in anticipation of leaving. Telus is just as expensive but at at least they have a lot of options for TV. I think the BlueCurve equipment is superior to Optik, but again...