Please advise how to remove this channel. I do not want it, not even for free.
Hi @Gford , if that new channel is on free preview then there isn't anything you can do about removing it, until the free preview is over. Sorry there is one thing don't watch it, lol. But if it's not on free preview then contact rogers about seeing if you can switch that channel out from your package. This is only a peer to peer discussion forum not a direct contact path to Rogers/Shaw. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
Thanks, it doesn't say free preview, just dropped into the lineup with a bunch of other spammy kind of things.
@Gford -- on your Shaw remote-control, press the GUIDE button. Scroll up/down to highlight that channel. Press INFO. Choose HIDE.
Not exactly a "remove" operation, but it now is "invisible" to you.
@rstra -- does not work on Ignite TV
Sigh. Yet another feature that Comcast did not carry-forward from their older TV boxes to the newest boxes.
How about "The News Forum"?