Something weird just started happening a few days ago. As my wife and I were watching a show on one of the lower channels (I think 109) the picture would just freeze and loop approximately the last 5 seconds. It doesn't stop. When I change to another channel and go back to the original all I get is a black screen with the dots blinking. Sometimes I get a message telling me that "Something went wrong...." (Really Sherlock?)
After a few minutes everything starts working properly. The other night this went on for nearly an hour.
Rather than call technical support because they are basically useless, I did everything they would tell me to do anyways. Reboot the modem, unplug and restart the Bluecurve boxes, blah blah blah etc.
Am I the only one experiencing this or is a common occurrence?
@MSlavin54 I haven’t experienced this problem, but there is this post that seems similar.
I’ve had this same issue for about 5 months. I’ve been in contact with a Shaw technician via phone call and I had a technician come to my home. Still having issues. I just chatted with a Shaw tech again and they are aware of this looping issue and they are hard at work trying to fix. It’s a stream/ feed issue and not the cable box.
I found a way of temporarily stopping it. When it starts happening hit the "Skip Back" button. Let it run until the next commercial break then "Skip Forward" back to live tv.
@MSlavin54 -- in another thread on this discussion forum, another bypass has been suggested, namely to switch to any channel above 200, and then use the "previous channel" button to return.
I don't have the BlueCurve TV box, so I cannot confirm if this works.
@LW67 -- Welcome to this peer-to-peer discussion forum, where volunteers try to help.
My internet keeps disconnecting.
Other than the obvious:
your issue cannot be resolved within this forum. Instead, contact Shaw Support [1-888-472-2222] and get the Agent to remotely login to your cable-modem, to view the "signal strength" reaching the cable-modem, because weak signal-strength might be the cause of your issue. It might be necessary for the Agent to schedule a "site-visit" to do more trouble-shooting.
@BJM -- see my suggestion from 6 days ago, which is above, which includes replacing the cable-modem, and/or scheduling a technician to do a "site-visit".
Before my original post, I had everything replaced. New modem and bluecurve boxes. A tech came out previous to that to check the lines and the signal strength was low. He installed an amplifier to the line into the house which helped a bit. He said he was going to put in a work order for a line upgrade for the neighbourhood. I don't know if he actually did it or if it was just lip service as I haven't seen any Shaw trucks in our area since.
Anyways, things haven't been as bad over the last few weeks.