Internet discussion feed

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546 Discussions

Ardrossan outages

Three days of no service and there’s been no service outage posted on your updates?! Shaw you need to do better. We pay for a service and deserve honest communication about what is going on. Figure it out. Read more


Can't recieve 1.5 gig internet????

I have Rogers 1.5Gbs plan and for some reason I can not exceed 1gbs. I got xb8 modem with a cat 8 ethernet going into the orange bottom right outlet which is suppose to send 2.5 of internet at least. The ethernet is then plugged into my rog maximus X... Read more

North Edmonton Outage?

Hey, anyone in the Coliseum area being told there is an outage? I'm told there is one and that's why my service is disconnected every 10 minutes, with a ticket number INC1106378, but no outage is listed anywhere on the shaw site. Just reaching out to... Read more


Shaw throttling OVH connections Max 1 Mb/s UPLOAD

The issue I and my co worker that are on shaw is that we are capped at 1-2 Mb/s upload on shaw to any OVH server. Our company used OVH to host our dedicated server and are moving files to and from them a lot and these are large files over 1Gig. We ha... Read more

Terrible In Game Ping

As of the last few days, the ping in online games is absolutely terrible. When I load into Valorant, I used to get about 40ms ping to Oregon server, now it appears that the routing has changed and I get around 100ms. What is going on and will this be... Read more

200 MB Upload on Original Ignite Internet package

Hi there, has anyone on an original Ignite Package been able to get their modem provisioned for the 200MB upload speed with no price increase or package change? I currently have the 150 up so the area would be good for it but just like last time they... Read more

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Bridging Eero mesh with XB7

We have a Eero mesh system and the XB7 with shaw on the 2GIG plan.Which device should be in bridge mode and which ethernet ports can we and should we use to plug into each other? We aren't getting the greatest speeds. (Not terrible, but no where clos... Read more

Fibre+ 300 pricing

Can anyone explain the new Fibre+ 300 pricing? $100 a month for the first 24 months. So $2400 for 2 years. I signed up for Shaw May 1. I am paying $59 for the first 12 months and then $94 for the next 12 months for a total of $1836 for Internet 300. ... Read more

HomeConnect device status issues

The Shaw Rogers HomeConnect app is showing a number of my devices as being off-line even though they are actually online.This is just recently happened.I have rebooted the XB7 and my iPhone and restarted the HomeConnect app.Is anyone else noticing th... Read more

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Static ipv6 IP addresses for business accounts?

Hi Everyone,I am curious about getting static IPv6 IP addresses. I presently have a business account through Shaw/Rogers (had the account before Rogers and Shaw merged) and I have an IPv4 static IP that I am getting with this account.Does Rogers/Shaw... Read more

Up and coming changes to payment due dates

Just wanted to ask people to post what the new due dates will look like after any invoices are issued on or after July 15th, so we can see the new dates and what period they cover. I just received my new invoice today the 14th of July, and since it h... Read more

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Unable to connect to game services on XBOX ONE

I am not sure if this is an issue with Shaw, or my xbox however I am pretty certain it is with my Shaw internet. A few days ago my roommates and myself changed the name of our wifi and since then myself and my other roommate have been unable to "Get ... Read more


What are the internet only plans available?

Not sure why it is so difficult to find this information on 🙂 ...I am looking for the current set of plans and pricing information for those who want to get an internet-only (home wifi) from Shaw in the BC area. Is there a direct link/URL to... Read more

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Shaw Technician a no-show

I had arranged for a Shaw tech to visit my residence to investigate intermittent drop outs of cable, land-line phone, and internet concurrently. In addition at least two other residents of my condo building experience identical outages. The tech was ... Read more

Ethernet over coax ???

Can we use this type of device to run ethernet over our existing coax cable? Hopefully??I would like to have ethernet at my downstairs TV but there is no way to run ethernet due to access constraints. This looks promising. We have wifi issues and I a... Read more

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Daily Internet Disruptions

Starting over a year ago, I have been experiencing daily internet disruptions. They started out sporadic and eventually became a daily pattern. Now, the internet would lose its connection several (>10) times throughout the day, and sometimes for hour... Read more

Nest Wifi and BlueCurve Gateway

I have a BlueCurve Gateway and also a Nest Wifi router with 2 access points.The BlueCurve Gateway is set to bridge mode, and everything in my house is connected to Nest Wifi devices.The problem is that some services perform WAY worse with Nest Wifi. ... Read more

Wi-fi Switches to Pod AP

Hi: I have an annoying issue. My Dell desktop PC's wi-fi will switch regularly from the nearby (10m) Shaw/Rogers/Ignite XB-7 to a far away (30m) Shaw/Rogers/Ignite pod (Gen. 2 - XE2-SG) and stay there. It always connects to the pod when waking from s... Read more

6 outages in 6 months

I don't know what's going on lately I feel like Internet is down at least once a month since Rogers got involved prior to this merger I had flawless service not a single outage for 3+ years I'm paying you guys 150/month for what? I can go to Bell or ... Read more


HomeConnect app suggestions

Is there a way for us to provide suggestions for improving the HomeConnect app?For example,it would help if we could sort the connected devices by device type and also alphabetically by name. It would also help if as before, we could see the devices ... Read more

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Why am I getting latency issues with Blizzard Games?

Hello everyone, I've been having trouble with blizzard games for the better part of about 2 years and have been unable to play Overwatch properly. So between Puma 6 issues and what I believe to be Blizzard server issues Its been far too long and I'd ... Read more


Rate Increase coming soon

Just a heads up, looks like Jan.10/2024 we have a rate increase coming for services, this of course does not effect customers who are on a 2year value plan, it will take effect for them after the 2 year contract has expired. Don't have specific amoun... Read more

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HORRIBLE internet

What is the obvious problem with the internet? … Every evening for a week it’s impossible to keep a hard connection … to the point your PS keeps booting you out of online games due to ‘connection issues’, simply browsing continues to state ‘unavailab... Read more

Internet Speed sucks AGAIN!!!

I am so tired of paying out the nose for internet. Lets be honest the only thing shaw is consistent at is raising prices and internet connections that are as slow and reliable as dial up internet from the 80's when can we expect a better product and ... Read more

Download speed wireless vs wired

Anybody else have this happen? I'm getting around 518 Mbps wireless on my phone download vs. ~250 Mbps wired via speedtest.Why would something like this happen? I'm ignoring for the moment the extremely poor wired download speed, as we are on a Gig p... Read more

Is shaw going to pro rate?

It seems that every week the internet in edmonton dies for about 30 mins across the entire week. I'm getting kind of sick of paying for service I can't access. Is shaw going to pro rate all of their customers in edmonton for the current outage that h... Read more

XB7 Wifi issues on 1gbps connection

I recently got a XB7 modem and I have noticed a weird problem, Maybe someone can shed light on what is causing this. I got it delivered this past Tuesday but started noticing issues and Shaw dispatched a technician as I had Noise on my line. Thursday... Read more

Shaw is selling unstable, unusable internet

I have shaw 600 bluecurve plan since feburary and since about 2-3 weeks ago, the internet has been downright UNUSABLE.The internet constantly chokes and dies for several minutes every 10-20 seconds (Then goes back up to 200mbs and dies again). I cann... Read more


Latency Spikes

I frequently get 3000ms latency spikes on my 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz wireless network.I ran WinMTR, and the spikes start at the very first node. I have no idea what that means, is my wireless adapter failing?|-------------------... Read more

Wifi Extender pods have terrible performance

Received Wifi extender pods as I have had no end of trouble with Shaw's wifi modem dropping connections. Never had this many issues with a wifi modem before. Not to mentioned my speed is all over the map, the technicians that have come out over the l... Read more

Overdue account

So I felt behind on my payments at went 60 days over . Giving be a balance of 252$. I got an email about it and I instantly paid what I could :. $130 and requested and payment extension for the rest. Reasonable right ? Right 👍Well they sent me anoth... Read more

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Packet loss

Been experiencing packet loss for a few months now. Was hoping whatever the issue, it would correct itself however that doesn't appear to be happening.I'm certain it's nothing to do on my side as a family member living in the same area is also experi... Read more

Internet disconnects

Each night for the past 4-5 nights my internet disconnects around the same time ,730 ish. I have to reset my modem and router to get it going again Read more

Most troubling customer support...

Early yesterday, I and a few of my neighbors, all shaw rogers whatever customers, lost internet service. We were all told by support that we were all isolated outages. Untrue. We KNEW it was all of us because we talk on facewhatever, and KNOW it is d... Read more

Unstable Internet Connection

I ‘m in Kamloops and switched to Shaw a few months ago and regret it. The internet is constantly either extremely slow, my system has multiple messages daily “unstable internet connection “ and connectivity is lost completely at least two to three ti... Read more

Speed Test

Why is Shaw's speed test so much faster on my cell (500 Mbps give or take) and yet on my wired laptop it's only on average 200 Mbps... laptop is a little faster wireless..... Read more

Noisy & hot XB6. Can I go back to my Hiltron?

I had a silent and fanless Hiltron from 2015 to 2023. I streamed F1 races for hours while my kid watched other shows on a different device. We almost never had a glitch. It basically never let us down even once. And the distance seemed to be better t... Read more

Loaded latency

Does anyone worry about the variability with loaded latency numbers? I have used and the variability is crazy. I understand that cable internet data is affected by the number of users at the cable aggregation point which explains why cable i... Read more

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Internet speed is nothing close to my plan

Hi, I have the most expensive wifi plan and the download speed is nowhere near (only 20mbps when I pay for 1.5gbps). I know the speed of wifi is not going to be 1.5gbps but I expected at least 400mbps for wifi connection. Is there anything I can do t... Read more

Internet is getting worst everyday

I have Shaw300, but for the whole day, my download couldn't even go above 10Mps. I cannot do anything for the whole day. It is getting worst each day. The Internet also constantly disconnect. Read more

Rogers-Shaw Corporate Promises

Rogers, Together with Shaw - About RogersThe new era of wonderfulness is emerging. Why, they're going to spend, enhance, invest, expand, create, sponsor, add, launch and build. Untold billions.I can hardly wait. Read more

Data GB

Is Rogers using a different way of measuring Data GB used than what Shaw was using. I'm all streaming and under Shaw I was averaging between 525 to 550 GB per month. With 2 days to go on this billing period, Rogers say I've used 700 GB... nothing has... Read more

Blue Curve Technicolor modem WIFI not working

I have had this modem and internet 600 for over a year and up until 2 weeks ago it was working flawlessly. All of a sudden my PC, that uses a WIFI connection, couldnt access certain websites. Also, certain programs were unable to connect to the inter... Read more

Why is my service getting so bad in the later evenings?

Recently my internet service sucks into the evening to the point my Apple TV won’t actually play anything. They say I have a gig service, but of course all devices are wireless so I never get close to the gig, but lately the service drops to less the... Read more

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Packet loss issues in the last two weeks

Located in Campbell River on Vancouver Island. Have had zero issues and been really happy with the service until the last couple weeks, now have ongoing issues gaming with packet loss. I'm no network wizard, but I have done everything to try and elim... Read more

High ping spikes on different services

Multiple times per 30 secs i am experiencing high ping pikes 250-500+. Shaw support can only suggest rebooting the modem ... and then indicates this is not something they can help with and suggested i contact a 3rd party?? Are we talking about anothe... Read more

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High ping and packet loss at every hop.

New Shaw/Rogers Ignite WiFi Gateway (Gen 2) modem (XB7) installed a few days ago. New coax cabling. I was still with Shaw/Rogers before this but now I regret getting my equipment replaced because this was never an issue before. It's been a nightmare.... Read more

Distribution of Internet signal Telus v Shaw

From time to time I hear about how Shaw’s method of internet signal distribution is done in a way that neighbours share the signal, causing a slowing of speed in high use times. Telus uses a distributed system from their central hub resulting in more... Read more

Playstation 4 repeated connection drops

Over the past few months, my daughter has tried to play online games through the PlayStation 4 (online multiplayer from a game title we purchased). She has repeatedly complained about connection issues when playing. The connection will stutter and ev... Read more

Is it possible to get a new IP?

So I just signed up with Shaw recently and I play online with some friends but apparently the ip I've been assigned by Shaw is banned in the game I play. I've been corresponding with the admins of the game to try to resolve it but they think I am the... Read more

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Cable / TV outage

Quesnel, BC_Interior__Not the first time: both services dropped out @ 1758 local time, then back on @ 1811. YET, never any acknowledgment from Shaw. Also: I got suckered into going Digital to get past a constant issue with back reception for Sportsne... Read more

Recent connection routing problem

Within the past week or so, my connection latency to a specific game server (located in or close to either Las Vegas, or San Diego) has increased by over twice its usual average. Running a traceroute to the server's IP address, indicates that Shaw se... Read more


Fibre+ Gateway (XB6) v Fibre+ Gateway 2.0 (XB7)

I've just changed from an XB6 to an XB7 gateway & Fibre+ 300 to Fibre+ 500.For the last two years I have, using the Shaw speed test, got 330 Mbps day in day out, over wifi, the gateway was in the basement a floor below.Changing to the newer Gateway 2... Read more

PS5 Won’t Load Content Properly Over Ethernet On XB7

I've been getting this issue where content on the PS5 won't load properly like the store or my friends list even though I'm connected online. It would cause problems like voice chat or game invites not working, even when I can connect to a multiplaye... Read more

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cancellation fee that's unfair.

Internet Slows Down at Night.Around 6 to 10 devices are connected to the network.I'm using 600, when I did Shaw's internet speed test in the daytime, the download speed was around 210M, at night only 3M(I disconnect several devices and connected only... Read more

Internet Upload Speed Increase

Hi there, has anyone else noticed a bump up in the Upload speed? I am on the Gig plan and have noticed that on the Shaw Speediest and Ookla that I am getting increased numbers for the upload. I have hit 125 once and close to 120 on most. Couldn't see... Read more

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Online Gaming

I recently moved from the city into a smaller area... My internet in the city was amazing, using Technicolor Blue Curve modem, at 600. Since I moved to the new house, I got Gig internet I can no longer play online games weather it be on PC, or on any... Read more


Cable replacement

I was told that there is something wrong with the cable from the Shaw box to my condo unit. Apparently, the signal is degrading. Any idea on who I would contact to get this cable replaced. I realise that it will cost. I’m in the Canmore area. Read more


Unable to connect to some sites and slow startup

Two issues.1) When I start my ASUS ROG laptop in the morning it takes 30+ seconds for the four startup tabs to open. This started a couple of weeks ago. I cleared some cache. No help there. 2) One of the sites I use often can't be reached when others... Read more

Routing to AWS, google play etc

Hello, I have a XB7 router which I received around Jan 1st. Ever since I have had nothing but problems with 'certain' connections, and it's always the same ones. I don't think it's the router itself, but it ALL started happening when I changed over. ... Read more

XB8 Modem / Router

I received a new XB8 router and fired it up two days ago. Replacing an XB7 I have encountered the usual hiccups and need to re-connect some apps and hardware including all my pods, smart home lights and alike. The TV players seems to reconnect quite ... Read more