Hello Shaw,
I recently(June 30) got sold with 2 year contract even though my existing contract is still more than 1 year. I contacted several times to cancel my new agreement (within 10 days) as i dont want to be on contract for another 3 years. It has been notified that i cannot go back to previous agreement anymore but if i want to cancel it i can still be charged with cancellation fee for previous agreement cancellation.
So cancellation charges will applicable for previous agreement but not enabling the old agreements. How fair is this?
please note that i dont want to leave shaw as Me and my family with shaw for more than 5 years. I would like Shaw to look into this matter urgently
@priyanka2 You would only be under contract for 2 years, your remaining 1 year previous contract would be canceled
If the remaining 1 year previous contract is cancelled then why would i charge a cancellation charge if i cancel within 10 days.
Hi @priyanka2 , I think I know why, maybe?? I believe it is Rogers/Shaw's way of closing a loophole that could lose them precious money. ie. some person has a 2 year value plan and like you for example they are offered an early renewal of their value plan over a year early. Then within the 10 days they try to cancel the contract, well then Rogers/Shaw would be immediately screwed over, because the person has not really fulfilled any type of contract, the person has received value plan services for almost 1 year with no penalty at all for cancelling all services. This is I think now there way of making sure people can't do this. I could be 1000% wrong here and it is all a big mistake (fingers crossed), Let us know what happens, make sure you speak to them again for clarification.
@priyanka2 Ya, I think you were talking to the wrong person at Rogers, cancelling the 2 year plan should automatically put you back on the old plan. If they don’t have a plan for this scenario, then, at the very least, there should no cancellation charge on the time left on the original contract.
I have a feeling that you have old equipment that they are trying to retire, that was the reason for the early renewal.