Rogers Aggressive Billing Practice


Six days ago (July 20) I cancelled my Internet and TV subscriptions, which is part way through the billing period and after the 2-year service term expired. The Shaw Agreement requires that all equipment be returned within 30 days or the customer will be charged. Rogers provides a prepaid Canada Post shipping label for the return which I am going to handle today.

BUT - yesterday Rogers sent me an invoice that included a charge of $1,149 for the equipment and the invoice indicates that payment is due August 15, which is BEFORE the 30-day return period expires!!!! However, the fine print of the invoice suggests (but it is not clear) that payment for the equipment is only due if the equipment is not returned within 30 days.

Also, the invoice shows prorated adjustments to the monthly Internet and TV charges shown in my July 2 invoice. The adjustments are confusing, but the total reduced amount is close enough to my rough calculation.  HOWEVER - under the summary of charges and adjustments (including the $1,149), the invoice states that the balance payable without including the equipment charge is an amount that is almost 36% higher than what is actually payable for the prorated Internet and TV charges. 

If you cancel your service, check your invoice carefully so that you don't overpay.