Not sure about bridged mode being slightly faster.  For s...


Not sure about bridged mode being slightly faster.  For starters the speeds slightly varies anyway depending on traffic between you and the server.  Also in my case the natting simply transferred from the Shaw equipment to my own router. I didn't see a difference between bridged and non-bridged mode or if there was it wasn't noticeable.

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--  I didn't see a difference between bridged and non-bri...

Legendary Grand Master

@aj37 --  I didn't see a difference between bridged and non-bridged mode or if there was it wasn't noticeable.

That is my point. Without NAT-ting, the router will have less "work" to do, and should transfer packets SLIGHTLY faster.

To be measurable, you need an ultra-fast connection with Shaw Residential (1.0 or 1.5 Gbps) or Shaw Business (2.0 Gbps) to "load" the router, and you need a huge number of wired/wireless connections on your home network, each needing NAT-ing, to notice any SLIGHT difference in the performance of the Shaw router.




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