did you ever get a replacement router? Tech specs aside,...


@LevonJay wrote:

Also this looks like a very similar problem from months back that was never resolved:



@LevonJay did you ever get a replacement router? Tech specs aside, does any of this affect your play? Finally I suggest you continue to pull on the Shaw support chain. They do have higher levels of support that might be able to look into into this more. I have had the attention of some very capable Shaw techs who were more than happy to spend time with me and send out resources to check things out. Much more than the forum can provide.


The different in the routing seems to occur in between sh...


@g-idk wrote:

Hi again @LevonJay , ok I do understand what you are trying to say, and really sorry for your issues. This is something that we on this help forum are just not able to offer any more idea's.  Of course an optimal route would be the least amount of hops to the game server but it seems for this game at least something is telling Shaw, ooops better not go this way this time.  I really don't know if this is a problem that Shaw can fix.  Anyways I wish you good luck, and sorry I wasn't really any help for you.  Keep bugging Shaw Support Directly.  Stay Safe. 

The different in the routing seems to occur in between shaw hops. I think it is within their control as no one else would have control over those hops. It's going to be going on contacting Shaw 10 different times soon so I really don't have much hope.

0 Kudos

I have not gotten a replacement router as Shaw support ha...


@rickatk wrote:

@LevonJay wrote:

Also this looks like a very similar problem from months back that was never resolved:



@LevonJay did you ever get a replacement router? Tech specs aside, does any of this affect your play? Finally I suggest you continue to pull on the Shaw support chain. They do have higher levels of support that might be able to look into into this more. I have had the attention of some very capable Shaw techs who were more than happy to spend time with me and send out resources to check things out. Much more than the forum can provide.

I have not gotten a replacement router as Shaw support has checked and deemed that not an issue. I could try again but my area has ongoing issues so  I will wait for those to be resolved first.

I've contacted them so many times. It seems like I just get told to run a speed test and if thats fine then they don't see an issue.

It's not unplayable but the 50% increase is definitely noticable and things just feel slower. What makes it worse is that it will randomly switch to the "correct" routing for a week and it will be perfect and then go back to the old "incorrect" one. It's like I know it can be better and I've personally seen and experienced it which makes it much worse. Maybe if I had never known what it could be I wouldn't care so much.


0 Kudos

Hi  , I just read the thread on the Alberta problem that...


Hi @LevonJay , I just read the thread on the Alberta problem that was quoted here, Boy what a mess.  Sure makes me ponder though Why this particular game and a Chicago Server end point?  We are missing something about this situation?  Anyways I would never profess to be any type of techy, I usually just answer the general knowledge posts on here, so since I'm no help to you really I wish you and your fellow players that are having difficulties a speedy and mutually acceptable outcome.  Good Luck.    


I've been having issues for 5 years regarding gaming prob...


I've been having issues for 5 years regarding gaming problems. I've had issues with League of Legends, Overwatch, World of Warcraft, Apex Legends, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and believe it or not even Team Fortress 2. It was confirmed multiple times over the past 5 years that my connection is perfectly fine with no packet loss or ping fluctuations that would cause problems. Techs have come to my place countless times to check my connection only to confirm my local connection is perfect. There's something clearly going on on a routing level causing ping to be higher than normal as well as causing a certain type of rubber banding/delay for all games. I've tried to get Shaw to deal with the issue previously many times but they tell me 'our engineering team is looking into it' and I get no callback regarding their findings when they said they would. I don't know if you're from Alberta, but I know for the issue I'm having it seems to be isolated to Alberta's routing or congestion. WinMTRs I've submitted have come out completely fine but in-game is a different story. I've been noticing issues similar with even watching live-streaming. All I know is when Overwatch was first released (approx 4-5 years ago) the ping was literally half what it is now, and out of nowhere it increased to double. I've seen increased ping in all games since then.

I'm going to make my own thread as well, but I wanted to confirm I've had identical problems with League of Legends; as well as all other games I've tried online.


-- I've had issues with League of Legends, Overwatch, Wor...

Legendary Grand Master

@0mirage -- I've had issues with League of Legends, Overwatch, World of Warcraft, Apex Legends, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and Team Fortress 2.

First, where are you physically located -- in a big city (Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Victoria) or at some distance outside of those "hubs" on Shaw's fiber-optic network?

While connected to one of those game-servers, open a command-line prompt, and enter NETSTAT -A -N  | FIND "EST" and press Enter.

You will get a list of IP-addresses to which your computer is currently communicating with. One (or more) of them will be the game-server.

Enter the command:  TRACERT aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd  --- changing those letters to one of those IP-addresses, and paste the output into this forum.

Repeat for the other IP-addresses, and paste the output into this forum.

This will show a lot of "routing" information -- the "hops" between the routers on the Internet between your computer and the game-server -- which may identify which "hop" is slow.


0 Kudos

I'm physically located in Edmonton, I have the 1gbps plan...


I'm physically located in Edmonton, I have the 1gbps plan with 100 upload. Using the Bluecurve/Technicolor modem. I have run WinMTRs of IPs that I've been connected to in Overwatch for example and they show no packet loss or jumps in ping but in game there's still rubberbanding when shooting and a rather large delay that comes with it. I did take a couple WinMTRs for reference, one for google and one for Overwatch's test server that I'll post below. I'll run the other tests with Tracert later on today. I have checked the hops and nothing propagates to the final destination seemingly.

Google MTR:



Overwatch MTR: 


0 Kudos

I am located in Edmonton as well. Yeah I'm not sure about...


I am located in Edmonton as well. Yeah I'm not sure about games other than league of legends but it has definitely gotten worse and then a huge jump back when the incorrect routing started happening.

I'm not sure if it will help you but I downloaded a program called Haste and signed up for the basic free edition and it pretty much returned me to the performance the correct routing would be getting. It lowered from a typical 65+ in-game to low-mid 40s. haste-ping.png

0 Kudos

-- your trace to Google looks good -- an average of about...

Legendary Grand Master

@0mirage -- your trace to Google looks good -- an average of about 28 milliseconds from Edmonton to Shaw's "be100" router in Washington State, then only 2 millisecond added delay to the destination (Google).

Your trace to Overwatch is similar -- an average of 30 milliseconds along the identical path from Edmonton to Shaw's "be100" router in Washington State. Then, the 2 "hops" into AS57976 adds an average of 26 milliseconds of additional delay, then no further delays on the rest of the path to the destination.

Note that routers can be programmed to give priority to "actual" traffic (gaming), while giving low priority to "overhead" packets, such as used by PING and TraceRoute. I don't see any such evidence in your trace to Google, but I do suspect something within that AS57976 Autonomous System network.  Maybe.

I have no way of telling how much "delay" is caused inside the Overwatch game-server, as it processes your traffic -- a busy server could take a noticeable amount of time to service your transaction(s).


0 Kudos

Yeah in Edmonton at multiple locations including the down...


Yeah in Edmonton at multiple locations including the downtown gaming cafe I had the exact same ping and issues that I have at my house. I had tried haste a long time ago, maybe I'll check it out again and see if that helps. Appreciate the suggestion! But yes, unfortunately for me every game has been impacted, I used to be a semi-pro in overwatch years ago but that was cut short by all these issues.

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