@clockwerk are you noticing packet loss to all websites or just specific ones? Can you post any traceroutes or WinMTR data here?
I checked into the past 5 days into the area and don't see any reports of uncorrectable errors or signal loss that may cause that. You can certainly try bridge mode + router combo to rule out the modem.
A quick google search shows that this problem is rampant throughout your clients. Myself included. I just recieved my new modem today that they only hope will solve my problems. As Shaw has told me that they don’t see any problems either yet my internet will go from 600 download to 15 regularly and disconnect me from my tasks at hand. Shaw has one more chance with this new modem otherwise I’m done. 10 years loyal about to lose me.
> A quick search shows that this problem is rampant throughout your clients.
Seek, and ye shall find. People not having the problem do not post. So, unlike a survey, which polls both affected and non-affected customers, you'll find a bias on the Internet.
> I just received my new modem today that they only hope will solve my problems.
Which model? Has it solved your problem?
> Shaw has told me that they don’t see any problems either yet my internet will go from 600 download to 15 regularly and disconnect me from my tasks at hand.
Shaw can remotely logon to your modem, to view its status, such as "signal strength" and "AC power brown-out". Showing "no problems" implies that the Shaw infrastructure:
all are OK -- at least at the time that they tested. Of course, "intermittent" problems are difficult to isolate.
So, it could be the "last-mile" -- your Ethernet cables (which should be "CAT-5e" or "CAT-6", not "CAT-5") between your router and your computer. Unplug them, and plug them back in.
Does the "speed" problem show up on every computer in your home, at the same time, or maybe on just one that has a "flaky" Ethernet adapter?