Grasshopper  -- Shaw's internal routing is incorrect. Tha...

Legendary Grand Master

Grasshopper @LevonJay -- Shaw's internal routing is incorrect.

That is your fundamental misunderstanding. It is RIOTDIRECT and MUDFISH and the others who publish the "routes" to reach its servers. Shaw's routers are using the supplied routing information, to route your traffic. 

Routing is an entirely-automated process, after Shaw's network engineers "publish" the routing information that allows traffic to reach IP-address subnets within the Shaw network, such as responses sent by the game-servers back to your IP-address.

P.S. Please stop the ad hominem statements. They are not welcome on this discussion forum.


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This happens on multiple games and services across multip...


This happens on multiple games and services across multiple platforms. A bunch of different games by different companies and different VPNs aren't all publishing incorrect information for just one ISP. This is a Shaw issue and always has been. They are either too cheap or too incompetent to fix it.

Learn what an ad hominem is before you try to use it.

Every one of these ISP ping or routing threads that show up every month you just show up and provide no help and boot lick Shaw for free.

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