Shaw Internet 300 Packet loss


Hey guys, have shaw 300 with the Aris xb6 modem.  I run it in bridged mode through pfsense to my all Cisco gear.  I have been seeing 1-10% packet loss on the wan.   I also get ping time outs and high latency, is this normal?  Sometimes I get 320 Mbps, sometimes I get 50.  Always high pings in BF1 on PS4 as well.  I have 2 IP's on my account and even the one that runs straight from the modem to my 2nd ps4 gets bad pings.  Called Shaw, they said signal looks good.  Anyone able to help me troubleshoot this?

16 Replies

Re: Shaw Internet 300 Packet loss


I have an XB6 as well on the same plan and I haven't consistently seen packet loss. When I first installed my XB6 it had exactly what you're talking about, but mine did a firmware update and I rebooted the modem and all the packet loss was gone. You might want to contact shaw support and ask them to check if you're on the most current firmware.


Re: Shaw Internet 300 Packet loss


thanks for your reply.  just talked to them and they said i am on the latest firmware.  it seems to have improved a little bit but still packet loss. How much is acceptable?


Re: Shaw Internet 300 Packet loss


Throughout the night, like 11PM and onwards, I get speed tests of 330/23. Throughout the evenings, I get about 130mbps.. I'm a heavy gamer on PS4, particularly on Fortnite. Ever since I've switched to this modem, it has been a terrible experience for gaming. I have my PS4 in DMZ so that nat type isn't an issue, I've also port forwarded the games I play. At random times throughout the day, I disconnect from games and get kicked out, leaving me to reload. Obviously that is absolutely unacceptable when playing games like Fortnite.. I was on the phone with a tech yesterday and this modem is new and has problems, so as of now it is unreliable. I'm considering to switch back to 150 because the Hitron modem was very reliable and I had no issues with it, + I got 180/17 speed tests ALL the time. Only reason I switched to this plan was because I was on Telus 300 and wanted to test out Shaw's, + I need the extra upload but it definitely isn't worth it with this modem.


Re: Shaw Internet 300 Packet loss


Same issues for me.

I have trouble shot with shaw numerous times now, had a tech come by, replaced the modem, he confirmed that for gamers the XB6 has caused a lot of people to switch back to 150.

I am running a fully wired connection to my PC, never had a single issues with Hitron/Internet 150 - done a ton of tweaking of setting for the XB6 - disabling MoCA, Disabling IPv6, Full reset with a re download of the firmware, having nothing else in the house connected to the internet.  

I have been working on getting my packet loss / DC issues fixed for over a month, and when I reached out to the accounts team at Shaw today to inquire if I would be able to get the same price I am currently paying if I switch down to 150, they told me that I would have to pay the current price - which is higher than what I currently pay for Internet 300...

So for me, I would have to pay more per month if I switch down to 150, which really sucks, but also the disconnections the XB6 is giving me are a no go.


Re: Shaw Internet 300 Packet loss


hey guys, my packet loss has gone down a bit.. mostly under 1 percent.  I really hope they fix this with a firmware update.  Luckily i have no disconnects, my son plays A LOT of PS4 and doesn't get disconnected, just ping times aren't that good to most servers.  I wouldn't even know i was having packet loss if PFsense wasn't reporting it.   hopefully they get it solved.  It would suck to pay 300 prices for 150 internet, sheesh.


Re: Shaw Internet 300 Packet loss


Do you have arris or technicolour router?

Look at the bottom of your modem and look at PN or log into, under system hardware

0 Kudos

Re: Shaw Internet 300 Packet loss

Not applicable

I struggled with this for months. I use pfSense router and was fine with Hitron at 150 plan. I upgraded to Arris XB6 to get 300. It ran fine for a few weeks and I started to notice frequent times where the internet would just top working although none of my interfaces would disconnect. When this happened I could ping Shaw gateway and even but no significant WAN traffic would pass through. I tried many different hardware configurations of pfSense and even a Netgate SG-2220. If I use a Cisco RV320 then it was fine but as soon as I put on anything pfSense it would have issues. When they doubled speed to 600 I thought I would try my pfSense again, it started having issues shortly after again.

I got a tech out and he noticed I did not have a MoCA filter and installed one. He explained that the XB6, unlike the Hitron, are sensitive to MoCA interference which could come from neighbours and get confused - this could explain my issue. He was also supposed to replace my Arris XB6 for a Technicolor but was not listed in ticket I made and did not have one on him. After he left it seemed to run fine overnight but the next morning I took my modem in to local Shaw depot and swapped for a Technicolor.

It has been a week now and no issues. Not sure what fixed - technicolor or MoCA filter, but problem seems to be solved now.

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Re: Shaw Internet 300 Packet loss


IS MOCA filter required if you just have internet plan?

0 Kudos

Re: Shaw Internet 300 Packet loss

Not applicable

It should be there so that that MoCA signal doesn't leak to neighbours.

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