@mdk wrote:@GBLawlz -- imagine yourself driving in Winnipeg, going east on Highway 1, and learning that it was closed eastbound of the intersection with Highway 62. If you (and everybody else) detours onto southbound 62, traffic would be very congested on 62.
There's nothing wrong with 62, given its normal traffic-load, but with the extra traffic taking the detour, instead of staying on 1/Broadway, you will see a slowdown of the average speed from 80 Km/hour to 50 or 60 Km/hour. Similarly, there is an increase in PING-times from Winnipeg to the USA, due to the extra traffic.
Thanks for the cars & traffic analogy, but that doesn't accurately describe what's happening. I would add to that, and say at this intersection is giving a constant "green light" to outside traffic being forwarded through, while giving a yield sign to Winnipeg traffic. It shows in the traces, like I was saying. Edmonton traffic being forwarded through wpg to chicago is 18ms, while winnipeg traffic jumping onto the same route is 10ms higher. Its an effort at damage control for Edmonton, by prioritizing the traffic through wpg. Make their crappy situation slightly less crappy. 10ms isn't end of the world for winnipeg, most won't notice. Everything is very stable. I just like to know why something changed, and to know that it is temporary.
Edit: Forgot to mention I chatted with a knowledgeable Shaw agent yesterday, who knows about the issue. Repairs are still ongoing, no ETA posted for them internally yet.
@norkieman -- is it any better today?
Tracing route to 4web.ca []
11 ms rc1bb-be20.vc.shawcable.net []
12 ms rc1st-be25.vc.shawcable.net []
26 ms rc3no-be11-1.cg.shawcable.net []
28 ms rc2we-be6.ed.shawcable.net []
29 ms
29 ms ra1ar-ge3-2-69.ed.bigpipeinc.com []
30 ms h64-141-127-18.bigpipeinc.com []
28 ms www02.4web.ca []
Vancouver -> CalGary -> EDmonton -> Shaw BigPipe -> 4WEB
So, that "backbone" link seems to be back to normal.
pings are a bit better, 45-50 to chicago .. still better than the 65-70 when everything was bad.. not getting my usual 30-35 to chi but this is still an improvement. seems like every location is back to "normal" but each location is about 5-10 ms higher .. still playable. (this is for Valorant and CSGO)
@norkieman -- can you post "traceroute" output for those two game-servers, to see which network segment is slowing you down?
as of today pings are back to normal on all games, hopefully its been fixed now (30-35 chi) (55-60 tx) on csgo and valorant
@norkieman -- I have read that Shaw had TWO problems, not just ONE, on that network segment. That could make it more complicated to ensure that it is a "100% fix".
It’s actually funny that there’s a similar problem happening again right now. Last Shaw contract the problem lasted 5-6 months for it to get fixed(for me). 5-6 months of terrible gaming on a 2 year contract. That was around when this thread started. But now I’m having a similar issue right now. Dont know what’s going on with Shaw.