I use the Xfinity app to manage internet connections to our home devices (eg phones, computers, ipads, etc).
I am wanting to manage the connectivity of our Firestick, but the firestick doesn't show up as a device within the XFinity app, and I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions...
It may be relevant that the Firestick is connected via an ethernet cable, using an OTG ethernet/usb adapter. ie. Ethernet cable from the Rogers modem/router, to the ethernet adapter, which is plugged into the Firestick.
Is it possible that this OTG adapter somehow masks itself from the Xfinity app?
@fenzee -- can you logon from your computer to the web-server "inside" the cable-modem?
If so, what Ethernet-connected devices show as "active" connections, with an IP-address assigned to each device on your home network?
The "router" part of the cable-modem needs to know the MAC-address of each device that tries to connect. Each device, including the FireStick (whether "wired" or "WiFi") sends its MAC-address as part of a DHCP-request to the router, and the response from the DHCP-server associates a "private" (10.0.0.xxx) IP-address so that the FireStick can send/receive over the Internet.
Bottom line: the router is the "gateway" between the FireStick and the Internet, but I don't know why the App does not list the IP-address of the FireStick.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll log into the modem interface when I have some time and look there. that may help me figure out what the device is.
I wouldn't be surprised if the USB/ethernet adapter I am using on the firestick is the issue, as it's a generic adapter.