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Who Me Too'd this topic

Shaw you have upload issues in SW Winnipeg

Not applicable

Upload is low now for the last 12 or so hours, it briefly returned to normal for a few minutes around 3am, then went back to less than half what its supposed to be, whats supposed to be 15 Mbps is 5-6 Mbps, latency is (surprisingly normal) but throughput is low, download is mostly normal but its slightly capped cause of the load upload. There is something wrong in Richmond West area, the other line in the house which is on Internet 75 also has the same reduced upload, instead of it's 7.5 Mbps.

PS: Would be nice if Shaw would start utilizing more Canadian internet exchanges other than all west in Vancouver and all east in Toronto.. theres Calgary/Edmonton/Saskatoon/Winnipeg you know...

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