Same here in Langley .... frequent pause on all channels,...


Same here in Langley .... frequent pause on all channels, freezing screen, sound goes mute, screen goes dark.  This started on Sunday late afternoon and continues today (Monday).  We have disconnected power and rechecked connections - to no avail.  Netflix seems to work fine.  Very frustrating since we have only had Shaw for less than a month.


Exact same here in Maple Ridge. Got Shaw cable 1 month ag...

  • Exact same here in Maple Ridge. Got Shaw cable 1 month ago and was 100% fine until Sunday night. Since then it's been freezing, sound cutting out and black screens. Internet seems fine. Just crap on the cable side of it

You are not alone. :( My husband asked me why we are payi...


You are not alone. 😞

My husband asked me why we are paying for live TV if we can never watch anything without problems. Good point. 


Same issues here in Edmonton area. got so bad sunday it w...


Same issues here in Edmonton area. got so bad sunday it was unwatchable. not as bad last night, but not good.


Same exact problem in Winnipeg. Around 6pm tv becomes unw...


Same exact problem in Winnipeg. Around 6pm tv becomes unwatchable. Constant freezing and black screen. Just got Blue Curve setup on Saturday. Tried rebooting, re-seating cables and bypassing splitters but still same problem. Not a good first impression!


We did encounter some issues with freezing/pixelization o...


@Cordcut @Mike18 @crawl71 @jdrhome @B_in_Van @rayevan @Tazman92 @Feissling @CoreyAE @ddisregard 

We did encounter some issues with freezing/pixelization on Sunday and Monday evenings, our teams were able to implement a change and monitoring yesterday evening does appear that it has corrected the problem. Apologies for any inconvenience. 

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Last night I wanted to throw this BS box out the window....


Last night I wanted to throw this BS box out the window.  Same for me as well.  Trying to watch a couple of FX based shows and even when you go back and watch them on demand right now, the pixellation and jumping is incredible.  (Mr. In Between (last aired episode) and American Horror Story (last aired episode)) I pay for this???  Last night, for some bizarre reason, my recording of the Flames game showed a cloud symbol next to it.  Why?  My two BS PVR's show more than 60% free space.  The game was completely unwatchable.  I have provided a link to a minute of this that I recorded on my phone.  It was basically SD, and completely and literally the worst recording I've ever seen.  Not to mention that skipping or FF was not usable at all and in most cases it would try to kick me out of the recording or not even resume it.  I'm sorry guys but this is not acceptable.  I contacted support on Twitter last night, hours before they logged off and no response.  Again this morning several times and no response.  I'm not going to sit on hold for two hours by phone either.  Telus is looking like a solution because I'm not going to pay for this any longer, regardless of this supposed contract.  You're not holding up your end of said contract.

Video Link 


It didn't work. See my post.



It didn't work. See my post.


I am yet another disgusted customer! I have had issues fo...


I am yet another disgusted customer! I have had issues for the better part of the last month or more. It started with my old gateway system. The PVR functionality, more specifically the FF function changed for the worse. Jumping around when pressing play instead of stopping where the video was. The 30 second jump button changed to around 45s, among other small issues.

I complained to shaw and had them out to replace my gateway. I was told about the new wireless COMCAST boxes and expressed that i wanted the newest available tech since I am paying for rental. What a grave mistake that was! 

Since then I have had nothing but problems! I can relate to EVERY issue stated above! (If i had hair i would have pulled it all out trying to watch the first Oiler game of the season and each one since!) I have also had a tech to my place suspecting a WIFI issue was the problem. He spent all of 10 minutes in my place and all he did was change my WIFI from Auto 2.4Ghz-5Ghz mode to separate 2.4 and 5G modes. Still having issues with pixellation and audio and video cutting out completely. The tech did tell me that some of the issue might be due to the "cloud" storage being 1000s of Km away instead of being stored on the box itself. These new boxes are originally from COMCAST and apparently worked well in the US...

Maybe ill go back to the old gateway with a significant discount until they figure this out. I am calling tomorrow and telling them that I will not pay my bill (which they want you to pay a month in advance) until they give me service worth paying for! 


The outage mentioned earlier in the thread has been resol...


@jimwebb The outage mentioned earlier in the thread has been resolved at this time, so if you are still seeing issues watching live TV, we would want to look to other causes. Any recordings created during the affected times (Sunday and Monday evening) would should similar picture breakup/instability that live TV did at that time.

I did test the 2 FX programs that you mention on my end and did not see any issues when playing back via OnDemand, are seeing issues on all VOD content? 

Also just to note, if you live in an area where cloud PVR is available, then content that is available for cloud recording will default to that storage space, not to the physical storage on your device. This enables you to access your recordingson the go, via the BlueCurve TV app or online at 

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