Yes, I did the "searching all codes" and none of those worked. So if someone finds that magical code number that works with this JVC TV and a Champion Remote, please share it.
So I figured it out very happy got my jvc 4K hd to work with shaw champion remote press source then power get two red blinks then press 991 two red blinks press channel up repeatedly until it turns off AS SOON AS IT TUNS OFF LET GO IMMEDIATELY then press set up.Might need to do a couple of times kind of hard to let go immediately but it works and I’m stoked!!!
@Prettycorona -- I'm glad that your method worked for you. I have an older Shaw remote-control, and the instructions you gave are printed on the back of my remote!
Note that "press source" really means to press the "TV" button, if it really is the TV device that you wish to configure.
P..S. Power-on the TV, before you start to configure your remote-control.
Thankk you so much!!!! Think worked for me too! I have been using two remotes for months now.
I had same problem with TiVo from Eastlink … this is what finally worked
Search for a code to control TV power and volume
can confirm this works 🙂 used my xr15 remote and found the code after several attempts my TV is jvc as well thanks a bunch
put shaw remote in garbage, get a urc3640 made by ONE FOR ALL .can program a shaw 830, and the JVC Smart tv program on the second try.
2.5 years later, finally we've made a Shaw (now Rogers) equipment upgrade and now we can successfully use your advice about Atvio. Got the new remote to search for Atvio codes and it found one.