I've only seen the warning on the CTV Calgary website. Di...


I've only seen the warning on the CTV Calgary website. Didn't see it on the Vancouver website.

0 Kudos

Problem seems to be limited to wireless boxes and streami...


Problem seems to be limited to wireless boxes and streaming/network/broadband issues (way past my knowledge level)😀

0 Kudos

-- Problem seems to be limited to wireless boxes That is...

Legendary Grand Master

@BJM -- Problem seems to be limited to wireless boxes

That is strange, given that your cable-modem probably is receiving correctly from the Internet, and then routing some of incoming traffic to the cable-modem's wireless network adapter and routing some of incoming traffic to the cable-modem's Ethernet ports.  So, if there is an issue, it's:

  1. the wireless network adapter on your wireless device
  2. the operating system on your wireless device that controls that adapter
  3. signal-strength (WiFi signals going through walls & metal appliances)
  4. something wrong with the cable-modem (maybe, get Shaw to replace it?)

Which TV channels are exhibiting the issue, or is just your wired/wireless Internet that has the issue?


0 Kudos

TO ALL: PLEASE READ START TO FINISH and if you think that...



PLEASE READ START TO FINISH and if you think that you are about to suggest ANOTHER solution to someone who is having problems then reread this post several more times.

Someone asked about channels and cities.  I have done some research, from discussions, and have the following.

Known channels in different cities that are having problems. This is gleaned from many discussions and is not extensive or complete as only a limited number of people are posting their problems.

Ch 101 drop outs Calgary
Ch 101 looping Vancouver
Ch 103 looping Calgary Vancouver
Ch 104 looping Calgary Vancouver - equipment XiOne and Xi6-A
Ch 104 blank Calgary
Ch 407 looping Calgary

Ch 101 Global
Ch 103 CityTV
Ch 104
Ch 109
Ch 111

Ch 101
Ch 103
Ch 104

Red Deer
Ch 210 "CTV Edmonton" sound dropouts however this is somewhat dated

14Aug2023 2:00 PM
CTV2 Ch 108 Calgary - 2:05 PM started looping. Did channel up / down but 108 did not come back. Channel up / down again
and at 2:06 the show started back at the start 2:00 PM. At 2:11 started looping at the exact same spot as 2:05.
Channel up / down then jumped back into the show at the 2:12 time spot. Thus the show from 2:05 to 2:11 was completely lost.


Although there is a lot of finger pointing to CTV, these other channels, that ARE NOT connected to CTV and are having problems.   From
above you can see other channels in other cities are having problems.

CTV 104 in   Calgary
Global 101   Calgary is not owned by CTV but Corus. Please explain then how to blame CTV?
CityTV 103   Calgary is owned by Rogers. Again no connection to CTV or their digital feed
TLC 407        owned by Warner.


Also note as to how your network is setup.  Moving the TV boxes to WiFi  WILL NOT FIX the problems listed above.  Moving your TV boxes to hardwired (Ethernet cable), be it directly into the BlueCurve gateway or a separate network switch WILL NOT FIX the problems.  Based on the diverse channels and diverse cities there is only one common area to point to.

A Shaw tech has exactly the same setup at home that I have and he has problems with streaming to his TV boxes.  However his coax and satellite TV DO NOT have problems.  Enough said.

With coax, all channels come into your house at the same time.  The tuner in your equipment just selects one channel in all of the incoming.  All channels are there all of the time.  STREAMING IS DIFFERENT.  You select a channel and your TV box sends out a request to a Shaw server to send the selected stream to your TV box.  If anything falls through any of the cracks along the way you do not get your channel displayed.  Your TV box doesn't send the request, the request doesn't get through the Shaw network, the streaming server is too busy to service your request and drops it (ie. too many requests coming in) or is unable to start the stream or pass on the stream request to another computer that does the stream.

You get the idea.  Everything coming in at once with no requesting (old coax system) or all of the background work to service a request and start the stream to your TV box.

Please DO NOT suggest people make changes, try different remotes, go WiFi, stop WiFi, stand on your head and rub your tummy, replace streaming boxes, swap boxes around you house.  NONE OF THIS WILL FIX THE ABOVE PROBLEMS.  




0 Kudos

-- A Shaw tech has exactly the same setup at home that I...

Legendary Grand Master

@bordoodle -- A Shaw tech has exactly the same setup at home that I have and he has problems with streaming to his TV boxes. However his coax and satellite TV DO NOT have problems. Enough said.

Not really enough.

Which Shaw TV box (BlueCurve? Gateway? legacy?) is connected to his coaxial cable? 

Which Shaw TV box (BlueCurve? Gateway? legacy?) is connected to your coaxial cable?


0 Kudos

My phrasing was a little off and now I'm adding some deta...


My phrasing was a little off and now I'm adding some details.

The Shaw tech that I talked to has EXACTLY the same setup, for streaming, that I have.  His incoming coax goes to a splitter and to a XB-7 and a ARRIS PVR gateway.  A port on the XB-7 then connects to a Ubiquiti switch (1 Gbps) via Cat 6.  His XiOnes are then connected to the switch via Cat 6.  No WiFi to the streaming boxes.  He also has satellite TV.

His comments are that satellite TV is solid.  ARRIS PVR is solid.  Remember the ARRIS tuner just decodes/selects a channel from the dozens and dozens of RF channels coming in on the coax.  However, the digital streaming via the XiOnes (and also Xi6-A for other users) has drop outs, looping and other issues.  He has connected the TV boxes directly to the XB-7 via Cat 6 and still the same problems.  Again there is a lot of handshaking required to start a channel stream to the TV box.  A lot of moving parts and just 1 frame (packet) dropped somewhere means that the stream fails or doesn't even start.

In my previous comment the data gathering shows multiple channels, in multiple cities with multiple users having similar and sometimes slightly different problems. Users state that they may have different times of day compared to other users.

From Shaw:

>>This is a national issue - not just with your box.  It is still being worked out with our software server partner - Comcast in the US.

I do not have exact details as to what areas they are looking into be it hardware, software or firmware.  I was also told that the research started in June.  I, however, and other users have been seeing these problems in May (and some maybe before) when we were forced off coax and onto streaming TV.


0 Kudos

-- as an experiment, if you use Ethernet to connect the X...

Legendary Grand Master

@bordoodle -- as an experiment, if you use Ethernet to connect the XiOne directly to the XB-7, do you still have the issue with streaming?


0 Kudos

If you read my post about the Shaw tech and my other post...


If you read my post about the Shaw tech and my other post where WE have tried a direct connect the the XB-7 (BlueCurve gateway).  Still looping, blank screens, drop outs, show will not start streaming.  The "doesn't start streaming" happens, for me at least, at busy times mostly.  Think 11 PM news.

Its all been tried OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER.  Let's move on from blaming, trying, reconfiguring things in the house.

From my previous post:

From Shaw:

>>This is a national issue - not just with your box.  It is still being worked out with our software server partner - Comcast in the US.

From Shaw:

>>This is a national issue - not just with your box.  It is still being worked out with our software server partner - Comcast in the US.

From Shaw:

>>This is a national issue - not just with your box.  It is still being worked out with our software server partner - Comcast in the US.

Sorry to repeat but you need to move on from these are issues in the house.  THIS IS A SHAW PROBLEM AND THEY ARE ACKNOWLEDGING IT !!!!!

0 Kudos


Legendary Grand Master


Yes, we know that there is a problem somewhere between CTV and Shaw.  There have been many posts, within many threads, within this discussion forum.

Only a very few Shaw employees monitor this discussion forum, and fewer of them respond through this forum.

So, anything you post has only a very slight chance of being seen by any Shaw employee, much less a Shaw employee who can do anything to resolve the issue.

So, you are "barking up the wrong tree", if you expect that posting here will accelerate a resolution.



0 Kudos

mdk >> Yes, we know that there is a problem somewhere bet...



>> Yes, we know that there is a problem somewhere between CTV and Shaw. 

You don't get it and seem to be so focused in the WRONG area.  There is something failing in the Comcast solution that Shaw is using.  Shaw's admission.  Move the #$%^ on.  There is NO "somewhere between CTV and Shaw".  Especially since there are other channels that are showing the same problems.  Read my previous post and other user postings about channels, cities and times.  CTV is NOT the only channel.  But again you think Warner, Rogers, Corus are all CTV.

>> So, anything you post has only a very slight chance of being seen by any Shaw employee, much less a Shaw employee who can do anything to resolve the issue

What I'm trying to do is stop others (including you) from continually make suggestions, to others who are experiencing problems, from trying solutions that WILL NOT resolve their issues.  Your last comment "if you use Ethernet to connect the XiOne directly to the XB-7"  was covered in one of my posts.  Which obviously you DID NOT READ.

>> So, you are "barking up the wrong tree",

I have been in contact directly with Shaw and my copy / paste "This is a national issue - not just with your box.  It is still being worked out with our software server partner - Comcast in the US."  shows that I have found some information that will help others reading here that it is being looked into.  Obviously considering all the moving pieces to start and maintain a stream it will take some time.

With your continued "problem somewhere between CTV and Shaw. " you ARE barking up the wrong tree as you would put it.

There are some CSRs that are still reading from the script and want you to unplug for 30 seconds and plug back in so they can do resets.  The last one who did that to me their supervisor gave me half off my next bill.   

I have spent many hours trying all the reconfigurations and even more talking directly with Shaw. 

I do not understand why you can't read and worse yet accept Shaw's admission that this is a bigger problem than just CTV.  Worse yet other users who have posted here stating that other channels are not working for them not just CTV.  Does that mean that they are barking up the wrong tree also just because it doesn't fit into your CTV rant?

I'm done with you and will not respond again here. 


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