Why Isn't FoxNews included in the same bundle as CNN?? No one at shaw will answer this, all they say is that it is programmed by shaw and no you can't speak directly with them to ask the question. Perhaps you can answer?
Hi @jodyallen not 100% sure but I don't think anyone on here could answer that for you. This is only a peer to peer help forum not an official Shaw Support Channel, they can probably guess why but it's iffy, maybe shaw is more left leaning after all Canada is based on Social Democracy, and the U.S. is based on Capitalist's Democracy, but again that is just a wild guess. For example you couldn't pay me to watch Fox News, in fact I try to avoid the U.S. 24 hr news networks they are all so biased it's either Democrat or Republican not just read us the **bleep** news without your stupid opinions I'll base my own on facts thank you very much. Here's hoping you get a true factual answer.
I'm very dissapointed that Shaw does not provide a HD feed for Fox news. If it's available with their competition, they should have this available for their shaw customers. Regardless of peoples political views, we live in a country where we have freedom of speech. We have options to tune into this channel or tune out. It's up to you. Both CNN and FOX news are extremely left and right wing - people can watch whatever they want and form their own opinion. Shaw needs to wake up and provide a better service to its customers.
Shaw is Liberal MSM...they don’t care about you
Bull**bleep**, Fox News is far more popular than many of your garbage channels. It's all political. Politics before business, when you have a monopoly. Most other news channels are garbage.
Because they’re left wing hacks like every other station in Canada
We’ll maybe there would be more interest if it was in HD
With regular Shaw Cable, every 24 hour news channel is in HD, except the conservative one...
@nevinet -- every 24 hour news channel is in HD, except the conservative one
Interesting. I watch NHL hockey in HD, for a better picture than SD. Yes, even the patterns on Kevin Bieksa's socks. 🙂
However, for me, the more-important part of a news broadcast is the audio component, not HD images of car-crashes or of Justin Trudeau's face. I see (pun intended) no value in seeing HD images of the pattern of the necktie of the male news-anchor.
I would go as far as saying that not including Fox News in the Total TV lineup while allowing CTV and CNN is considered censorship on a disturbing level. “Roger’s, are you telling me I should watch CNN but not FOX? Who are you to dictate what I should be watching?” I teach my kids to keep their minds open and to listen to all views about any topic and to seek out competing opinions to get a full picture of any topic. FOX News used to be included in Total TV before Rogers took over from Shaw. This may imply that Roger’s may be a left wing organization and does not respect people’s views of the right side. Personally, I give each side the chance to express themselves and it would behoove Roger’s to allow the general population to do the same using their services. Roger’s are you trying to feed us one point of view without giving us a fair view of the other side? What gives you that authority?