I have a Shaw bill which I think is not from you, its a bill but I am sure it is not my bill. It came from "r.bednarz@sympatico.ca". You can let me know if this was not from you.
@Chloe20 Go to my.shaw.ca to view your bills. I can’t say 100%, but I doubt that Rogers would email you a bill from a domain that is registered to Bell.
This does not confirm this bil is not from you. The billI received was from "r.bednarz@sympatico.ca" is this your email address . I have not been able to get a detail of the bill.
@Chloe20 wrote: his does not confirm this bill
Just telephone Shaw/Rogers Support: 1-888-472-2222
and ask for "Billing". They will have full access to your account, including the payments you have made, and the monthly invoices for your account.
You can verify that this telephone-number is "everywhere" on official Shaw.ca web-pages.
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