When we were forced to upgrade about 5 or 6 years ago through Shaw the installer knew we only needed 4 boxes. I tried to give him the 2 unused boxes before he left and he said "No, just keep them here in case you need them in the future." So, there they sat in the bsmt, still in their boxes, never having been used for years. Now I find out we've been charged monthly for using 6 boxes all along. How can they do this? It's obvious they've never been used as we never hooked them up! Rogers/Shaw should have to return that money shouldn't they?
@echislop , I'm a little confused are you saying that for 5-6 years you have been paying rentals on all 6 boxes and your just noticing it now 6 years later, or are you saying that you have been paying extra since the new policy of charging for extra boxes started back in Sept./2024, again your just noticing this now. I would contact Rogers/Shaw immediately either thru chat service (Big red button Need Help?) or phone them at 1-888-472-2222 and explain the situation and get the rep. to authorize a return of the 2 boxes that you never use, or if they are too old now they might tell you to just recycle the boxes. I'm not sure how it will go with the refund thing being that you normally have 30 days after your bill to notify them of any mistakes on your invoice, Be firm but polite when dealing with them and maybe you can come to an agreeable conclusion. I think Shaw now Rogers probably never noticed the boxes were not being used because you were paying the bill every month as if you were using them, so the right hand didn't know what the left hand was doing. Really hoping you can get it all straightened out.
Yes, I believe we've been charged for the past 5 or 6 years. I'll have to double check online to see if it goes back that far. The thing is when they hooked it up for my Mom I thought they said we didn't pay to rent the boxes as we signed the 2 year deal. So I didn't worry about it. And since the installer just said to keep them in case we needed them it led me to believe further that there must not be a charge.
I don't manage my Mother's bills. My brother who lives out of town does but he would have assumed that we were aware of these charges. So, until I looked at the statement when we signed yet again this year I didn't know about these charges. I should have studied them prior to this, I know. My Mom was in no condition to be able to keep track of charges on bills. She's now in a nursing home (also on Shaw/Rogers) and I'm getting her house ready to sell while I live in her house. I or my brother will definitely be taking this up with Shaw/Rogers.
@echislop , As a person who has gone through the same thing twice with elderly parents, mine though past away, I can understand how things like this can be overlooked, lets hope they can be a little understanding. Wishing you good luck and well wishes for your family situation.