over billed twice on new contract.


To start, I have auto withdrawal for bills.....

Called to renew shaw contract that was to expire aug 24/2024.  

Called in July to arrange a new contract to take effect once the original completes.  

I requested changes....(removal of TV service).  The new contract was for Internet only,  removing the cable TV and equipment.  Was told and accepted the new contract for Internet.  The first invoice for the internet only contract was incorrect and I was billed for the TV and equipment,  Called to have it corrected in early August and was told that they would credit me for the error and that the next invoice would reflect the credit and the proper charges. We received the next invoice late Aug. and it showed a credit for the previous month error but  they incorrectly billed again and were still charging for TV and also included the balance from the previous amount of the applied credit.  When I talked to the rep via phone they expressed that although the invoice given was incorrect that there was nothing they could do and they assured me that the actual amount that would be deducted from my bank would be correct.  I checked today as to the actual amount charged and they charged the incorrect amount again. I called and talked to the rep via phone again and they again attempted to explain that they have fixed everything from their side but that they could do nothing about the overcharges that in 2 months now exceeds 240.00.  I requested to escalate to someone with the position and ability to insure the changes and have been on hold over 1:30 min with the rep coming back on every 15 mins saying they told her to tell me the repeated excuses and that I will see changes next month.

Forward to 1:40 min on hold I was connected to a supervisor.  I then retold the issues I was having with the billing for the new contract, again I was told that shaw's system is unable to make the appropriate changes to reflect the actual rates and that it's not the billing departments fault but it is the "system".   

I was told by the supervisor that I will see the credits on next two months bills and that it would not be seen by me until then.  I requested that they credit my card short term (today)  and that I should not be expected to wait over two months to receive what they charged in error.  I was told that is impossible.  I requested that this be escalated again as this appears to be very poor business and customer support and that if this continues to be uncorrected that others need to hear what is occurring and that I have everything I need fully documented and recorded, at that time the supervisor ended the call and I was to wait 24-36 hrs for a call back from a senior rep.  

To add I have been a customer in good standing with shaw for decades.   Looks like things are not going well

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wrote I was told by the supervisor that I will see the cr...

Legendary Grand Master

@77darrell wrote I was told by the supervisor that I will see the credits on next two months bills and that it would not be seen by me until then. 

If you sign-in to the My Shaw Portal, and click on "Bills", and scroll-down to "Transactions", select a time-window from the first of May 2024 to today's date.  Look at each of the transactions, to see if you can see any "credit" details.   Also, look at the monthly invoices, to see if any "bill credit" is listed, and if the "amount owing" is zero, or if you have a "credit balance" -- them owning money to you.


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