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10 Discussions

Shaw Open captive portal in a redirect loop

As if it’s not bad enough that Rogers monopolized our internet service, the captive portal redirect for Shaw Open is now in an infinite redirect loop. When you fetch, you get a 302 Moved Temporarily an... Read more

Cookie too large error 400 at Hotspots

Trying to get my new device registered at a Hot spot, but each time it tells me Error 400 Cookie too large no matter if I use Chrome or Edge on Windows 11. I have tried a couple hot spots now and same errors. How can I register by MAC address like I ... Read more

6 outages in 6 months

I don't know what's going on lately I feel like Internet is down at least once a month since Rogers got involved prior to this merger I had flawless service not a single outage for 3+ years I'm paying you guys 150/month for what? I can go to Bell or ... Read more

Line laying across my yard.

On Jan 13th while it was -50 the internet was down in our entire part of the city. When they came to work on it the line fell and they came to our door and told us it was too cold and they would be back when it warmed up to fix it. It’s been almost 4... Read more