1 GB email quota


I just got a message saying I am using 900 MB of my 1000 GB email quota.  After deleting some emails, I couldn't help but think:

It's 2023, and I am paying over $120/month for a top-tier internet subscription...why such a stingy quota?

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3 Replies

-- when you "deleted" some messages, did they move to you...

Legendary Grand Master

@Tom651 -- when you "deleted" some messages, did they move to your "Trash" folder, and still be measured within your quota, or did you "Empty Trash", to permanently remove them, to reduce your usage within your quota?

Note that programs like Microsoft Outlook can create folders that exist on your "C:" drive-letter, instead of leaving your messages on Shaw's server. Just drag-and-drop the "keeper" messages into your "local" folder.

Compare to always leaving the mailbox on the outside of your residence full of all letters, versus taking the "good stuff" into your residence, and leaving the letters on your dining-room table.  The exterior mailbox will have room for new messages, while your table-top gets buried, unless you do some "records management" of those letters.


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Did you even read my question?  I'm asking why my mailbox...


Did you even read my question?  I'm asking why my mailbox quota is only 1 GB despite paying for a premium tier?  It's the same quota as nearly 20 years ago.


-- Did you even read my question?   Your question was: wh...

Legendary Grand Master

@Tom651 -- Did you even read my question?  

Your question was: why such a stingy quota?

So, yes, I did read it. I have written what I have written.

I am not employed by Shaw, and never have been employed by Shaw, and thus am not authorized to speak on behalf of Shaw, to respond to your query.

This is a peer-to-peer discussion forum, where volunteers try to help, not a path to Shaw (1-888-472-2222).

I recommend that you scroll-down while reading this response, and click on the "Your Voice" hyperlink, (in the "About Us" pull-down) to send your question to Shaw.





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