Ajax suddenly not working and html no use


I've been having issue after issue with webmail recently, and this is the fourth type, so I'm hoping I won't have to resort to calling support again and can possibly get some guidance here.

Normally, I use the Ajax setup on the webmail because its layout is more logical to me (I'm Autistic, so I find that specific layouts work better with my brain, and once I get used to it, any change messes with it a lot). However, lately, I've found that the Ajax option simply won't load for me and I have no option but to use the 'switch to html version' option if I want to log in. I've tried multiple browsers, and none work, so I can only assume it's not browser related, but I'm not sure what it could be.

In addition, because of some big files I get from time to time, my quota sometimes fills up suddenly, and this has happened to me again. Normally, what I do is run a filter I have set up that transfers all emails older than X date to a specific folder, then archive that folder locally using Thunderbird (I don't use Thunderbird on a regular basis because, again, I don't find the layout to work well for my brain). However, I've tried setting up a filter on the html version, and it's simply not working. I've set it to move all emails older than June 8, as a test date, to a specified folder, but it's not running, even though it's active and set to run, so I have no idea whether there's something I have to do in order to get it to run on already received emails or if it doesn't work using the html version.

Ideally, I want to get back onto the Ajax version, because html is really doing my head in, so if anyone knows how, I'd be massively grateful.

Thankye much!

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3 Replies

-- some big files I get from time to time, my quota somet...

Legendary Grand Master

@minahraven -- some big files I get from time to time, my quota sometimes fills up suddenly, 

The "quota" counts the big files in your "Inbox" and your "Trash" folder. So, when you "delete" a big message, it moves to the "Trash" folder, and the percentage-used of your quota does not change. Be sure to select the "Trash" folder, and "permanently delete" the big message, to use less of your quota.

Also, within Shaw WebMail, you can download the attachment into a folder on your "C:" drive, and then "delete" the attachment. When you close the E-mail message, your quota-usage will decrease. The rest of the E-mail message is still present -- you'll just have to remember that the attachment is saved "elsewhere".

Which web-browser are you using to access Shaw WebMail? Google Chrome? Microsoft Edge? Firefox? Safari? Opera?  Maybe, trying a different web-browser & Ajax will be an improvement.



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Unfortunately, even when I delete files and emails and ma...


Unfortunately, even when I delete files and emails and make sure my trash is empty, the quota doesn't update. I've had the issue multiple times, it'll literally take days to update, and then suddenly will update as showing the usage being halved or more. 

I've just checked, and of all the browsers on my computer (Chrome, Edge, Safari and Firefox), only Edge allows me to use the Ajax version, so I'm very confused as to why that would be the case. I also discovered, when going to run my filter on Ajax in Edge (not thrilled as I don't like Edge, but I'll take what I can get at the moment), that all filters I'd previously created had vanished somehow. I've been able to recreate the one I needed for the quota, but it does mean that some filters I had set up for security purposes have been lost, and I don't have the details to remake those, so... not thrilled at the moment.

Is it possible all these issues are related to the merger? They only seem to have started around that time, and I won't lie, I've never had much luck with Rogers before, so it wouldn't surprise me...

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wrote: t'll literally take days to update Are you using A...

Legendary Grand Master

@minahraven wrote: t'll literally take days to update

Are you using AJAX or HTML mode? 

If you sign-out from Shaw WebMail, and immediately sign-in, is the report about the quota updated?

Is it possible all these issues are related to the merger? 

No. As far as I can tell, Rogers has not "touched" the Shaw WebMail system.

all the browsers on my computer (Chrome, Edge, Safari and Firefox)

Note that Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge are customized versions of the Chromium open-source software. So, any "rendering" of the incoming web-content should be identical. 

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